Batgirl (Bombshell Vampire)
As far as customizing some Bombshell figures goes, Vampire Batgirl is one of the easier options. 90% of her is a repaint of the existing Batgirl figure. The head is where things get interesting. In an effort to really send a clear signal that this was indeed a vampire, I (read more...)
Catwoman (Bombshell)
What to do with a spare Bombshell Poison Ivy figure? Turn her into Catwoman, of course. The first challenge was the skirt. After several attempts, I found the best solution was a JLU Darkseid skirt. It was almost a perfect fit. It didn’t quite meet up in the back, so (read more...)
Rocketeer (Betty)
Cliff’s girlfriend Betty suited up as the Rocketeer may have been what started this current Bombshell batch of customs. I’ve seen lots of great fan art and cosplay of Betty in the jacket, but never a custom figure. When I realized that Bombshell Poison Ivy would make a great base (read more...)
Roxy Rocket (Bombshell)
Of the many Bombshell customizing possibilities, Roxy Rocket is probably the lowest hanging fruit. She’s essentially a head swap and a repaint. It doesn’t get much easier. Roxy is made using a Harley Quinn Bombshell body. The only physical change I effected was the removal of the cuffs on the (read more...)
Zatanna (Bombshell)
Oh, what might have been! Bombshell Zatanna was meant to be part of the third wave of Bombshell figures by DC Collectibles. Sadly, like so many other products solicited by the company in recent months, the whole wave was cancelled without explanation. So I took it upon myself to partially (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Bombshell)
When I crafted an unmasked Harley noggin from a Roxy Rocket figure, I knew I didn’t want the rest of Roxy to go to waste. Fortunately, the answer was staring me in the face from my shelves: animated-style Bombshell Harley! It was a natural fit! As with some of my (read more...)