Gsptlsnz (Bombshell)
Gsptlsnz! For a character with only a few seconds of screen time (and only a smattering of comic appearances since then), I sure am fascinated with her! It’s probably because she’s a straight-up pin-up gal, and that’s right in my wheelhouse. The only real question is why did it take (read more...)
Mxyzptlk (Bombshell)
I finally make my first male Bombshell and it’s… Mxyzptlk?! Yeah, well, if I’m going to make Gspy, I have to make Mxy. It’s a law of nature. Mxy wasn’t too difficult. His body is Mattel’s Dr. Psycho. His face comes from an old “boss” action figure. (Think the office (read more...)
Phantom Lady (Bombshell)
Many years ago DC Direct produced an excellent Golden Age Phantom lady action figure (though the articulation was lousy, as was their style at the time). When I brought home my first set of Bombshell figures, one of the first things I did was dig out said figure. Alas, it (read more...)
Talia al Ghul (Bombshell)
Talia al Ghul may be the most difficult Bombshell custom I have attempted to date. The Middle Eastern design influences mean there are virtually no parts from other figures to steal from. I know, because I researched this one several times over several years, always hoping I overlooked something. But (read more...)
Valkyrie (Bombshell)
If you’re a comics enthusiast, you have probably seen the famous cover of Airboy by Dave Stevens that features Valkyrie. (Go ahead. Google it. I’ll wait.) During the Golden Age of comics, Valkyrie was to Airboy what Catwoman is to Batman. Valkyrie started out as a Nazi villain, but switched (read more...)
Catwoman (Bombshell 2)
It’s no secret that I love Ant Lucia’s art, and I especially love his DC Bombshells designs. But I always thought it was a little weird that of the officially sanctioned outfits, Poison Ivy ran around in her unmentionables but nobody else did. (The comic book seems to agree with (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Bombshell 2)
It’s no secret that I love Ant Lucia’s art, and I especially love his DC Bombshells designs. But I always thought it was a little weird that of the officially sanctioned outfits, Poison Ivy ran around in her unmentionables but nobody else did. (The comic book seems to agree with (read more...)
Bettie Page (Astronaut)
Bettie Page as a retro-sci-fi astronaut seemed like a natural fit. As a custom goes, she was a fairly easy build. The body is Space Harley from the designer series. I filled in and sanded down the etched diamonds, and added some swivel articulation to the upper arms. The head (read more...)
Bettie Page (Bombshell)
How can anybody look at the Bombshell Poison Ivy figure and not see a Bettie Page custom just begging to be made? Far be it from me to ignore the call. This one was simple. It’s just a head swap (Cleopatra Bettie) and paint. Aside form patching up a couple (read more...)
Black Canary (Bombshell)
Black Canary was one of the six Bombshells figures solicited by DC Collectibles and then cancelled. I was not prepared to take no for an answer. So I took matters into my own hands. Canary was a tough recipe to crack. By no means do I claim to have found (read more...)