Joker (Bombshell Sailor)
Anyone who follows my exploits knows the inciting incident that led to me making customs of the DC Bombshells was that DC Direct was in turmoil, and prematurely cancelled the line after several figures had been solicited and promised. 40+ customs later, I am pleased to announce this particular Joker (read more...)
Killer Croc (Bombshell)
Now here’s a custom that I pondered for a long time. Good ol’ Waylon Jones appears in the Bombshells comic as part of the Suicide Squad, and Ant Lucia, primary designer of the Bombshells, even designed a cover with the Squad and Croc. So if you haven’t seen this design (read more...)
Phantasm (Bombshell)
This custom started from a challenge to myself: What could I build (mostly) from leftover parts? The result is my take on a Bombshell Phantasm. The torso is Bombshell Batwoman. The arms are from a Marvel Legends White Rabbit. The legs are Bombshell Batgirl. I sculpted a few details with (read more...)
Superman (Bombshell)
This is another custom project where the whole thing depends on the base figure. I needed to find a male figure, 7″-scale, “heroic” without being bulky. That’s actually quite tough to find. And I was looking for quite some time. One day I’m in a Target, and I stumble across (read more...)
Vigilante (Bombshell)
Vigilante seemed like another one of those characters that would have been a perfect fit in the Bombshell universe, but was never used in the comic. I am here to correct that oversight. The base figure is Diamond Select’s Westworld Teddy Flood, a most versatile fodder figure. I removed the (read more...)
Ravager (Bombshell)
Seems like the farther I make it through the Bombshells roster, the more challenging each design becomes. That’s certainly the case with Ravager. But I relished the challenge, and managed to learn a few things. This particular design is based on Emanuela Lupacchino’s Bombshells comic cover. (I want to say (read more...)
Joker (Bombshell)
As I started work on Airboy, I began to think about what other uses the Diamond Select Rocketeer might have as a base. I’m not sure what prompted this result. It might be because I popped a White Knight Joker head on the body in jest. Whatever it was, it (read more...)
Airboy (Bombshell)
I made Valkyrie. I had to make an Airboy. It’s a law, right?* While there have been many minor changes to Airboy’s outfit over the decades, depending on the artist at the time, the broad strokes are consistent. I tried to find a happy medium. Airboy’s recipe is fairly straightforward. (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Bombshell Circus Ringmaster)
I’ve had the idea for a Circus Ringmaster Harley in my head for some time. It just seemed like a natural fit. I always figured I’d get around to her sooner or later. She was not a priority. Then a photo of an old Zatanna figure popped up in my (read more...)
Punchline (Bombshell)
New villains come and go. Very few have the staying power necessary to be added to Batman’s Rogue’s Gallery, such as Harley or Bane. Punchline is the latest villain to get a big push by DC. Normally, I might wait to see if a character sticks around before dedicated time (read more...)