Joker (Bombshell Sailor)
Posted on June 21, 2021

Anyone who follows my exploits knows the inciting incident that led to me making customs of the DC Bombshells was that DC Direct was in turmoil, and prematurely cancelled the line after several figures had been solicited and promised. 40+ customs later, I am pleased to announce this particular Joker is the last of the “missing figures” that I have recreated. (Guess I got a little sidetracked along the way.)

One reason I took so long had to do with me waiting to find the perfect base figure. Honestly, I never did, but this will do. I was interested in using Diamond Select’s coatless Crow figure, but it’s exclusive to Walgreens, which means it might as well not exist, due to their lousy distribution. So I settled for McFarlane’s “We Happy Few” Bobby figure. He’s long and lanky, but maybe a little sharp along the edges.

I Dremeled off some of the torso details, and covered over the distressed areas with Magic Sculpt. At the time, I wanted to maintain the mid-torso articulation, but in retrospect I should have filled that in and locked it in place. It looks odd to me now.

The tie, collar, and knee patch are Magic Sculpt. The flower is from Mattel’s last 6″ Joker (the ’89 tribute piece). The buttons are sliced from styrene rods. The hat is from Bombshells Mera, but it’s really too small, even if he could wear it.

His head is McFarlane’s White Knight Joker, but it’s not really the look I wanted. I was hoping for something more distressed, as seen on the statue version of this design, but I could not find anything to my liking.

So compromises were made, but at last, the final “missing” piece is complete.

Created May 2021


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