Of all the DC characters that should have been part of the Bombshells designs, Lady Blackhawk is at the top of the list. Why wasn’t she? No idea. I guess DC figured that might have been a little too on the nose. Still, she should have been a member.
My Bombshells Lady Blackhawk started as a Bombshells Hawkgirl. I modified several details, included the boots and jacket. Her feet come from a Bombshells Batgirl. The skirt is from the Diamond Select Mallrats gal. (I know, the skirt should be pleated. I took the lazy way out.) Her head remains Hawkgirl, with Bombshells Poison Ivy’s hair added. Bombshells Harley donated her arms. The hat was sculpted from scratch.
Not a bad addition for a character that should have been there from the beginning.
Created Summer 2019
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