Victor Fries (GTO)
Another GTO headswap and repaint! Once again, I applied the same process to the White Knight Joker figure I used on other members of the GTO. The trouble was finding an older male head, preferably bald. The solution came from the team at B3dserk Studios. I adapted their Spectre statue (read more...)
Harley Quinn (White Knight v2)
I have already made a White Knight version of Harley in her red coat and glasses, and I am very pleased with it. But I saw someone post this recipe online, and I wanted to try it myself. Can’t have too many versions of Harley! (I can’t recall who posted (read more...)
Lafayette Arkham (White Knight)
Sean Murphy’s “Curse of the White Knight” introduces us to Lafayette “Laffy” Arkham, a tyrant over old Gotham who may or may not be a vampire. We don’t get to spend a lot of time with Laffy, but he is fascinating in that brief encounter. I was well underway on (read more...)
Nightwing (White Knight)
It’s clear in Sean Murphy’s “White Knight” books that he loves the animated series. Nowhere does that shine though more than his Nightwing design. It’s all but lifted straight from TNBA, adding a light jacket for warmth. I love it! The base figure is McFarlane’s Titans Nightwing figure. The jacket (read more...)
Poison Ivy (White Knight)
Like so many other renditions of Bat characters in Sean Murphy’s “White Knight” books, Ivy is a version unto herself. Murphy’s art is loose enough that it can be hard to pin down the details of her costume, but I think I landed on the main points. As I have (read more...)
Red Hood (White Knight)
I know I’m in the minority when I say I am not a Red Hood fan. Thankfully, Sean Murphy’s “White Knight” books are a continuity unto themselves, and as a result Red Hood’s placement in the Bat mythos is a bit different. This Jason Todd is worth my time! My (read more...)
Jessica Rabbit (Bombshell)
It was only a matter of time before I found ways to bring Jessica Rabbit to my Bombshells shelf. It was inevitable. This Jessica is a 3D sculpt by the talented E.S Monster. I scaled it down to match my Bombshell figures, and removed the base. The first time around (read more...)
Jessica Rabbit (Bombshell Ranger)
As I was working on my version of the Jessica Rabbit sculpt by E.S Monster, I was struck with a “eureka” moment: I could use the slightly-less toony look to create her Ranger look from “Trail Mix Up,” and the existing Bombshells Wonder Woman would be a terrific base figure! (read more...)
Christopher Lloyd
I like to think that if the Muppet Show had carried on for just another year or two, Christopher Lloyd would have been a natural fit for a guest star. (Based on Taxi alone, well before Back to the Future.) This custom figure is the result of that thought. I (read more...)
Christopher Reeve
The Christopher Reeve episode of the Muppet Show is pure delight. He is clearly having tremendous fun with all the fur and feathers. When I stumbled across a free 3D print file of Christopher Reeve’s head, I knew I had to take action. (Note the head was of Christopher, not (read more...)