Harley Quinn (Unmasked)
I was one of those that was excited to hear McFarlane had won the license to make DC action figures. His Fortnite offerings proved he could make excellent and fun figures that featured a wide range of articulation. Todd may still love his statues, but the market had changed and (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Easter Bunny)
Frank Cho is an amazing artist that brings a sense of whimsy and wonder to his art. I have been a fan for many years. Lately he has been tasked with designing alternate Harley Quinn comic book covers. Each one is a gem that tells a little story. My efforts (read more...)
Catwoman ’92
The fact that an official Michelle Pfeiffer Catwoman figure (6″ or 7″) does not yet exist is a crime. Every Toy Fair and SDCC I keep hoping that Warner Bros. will come to its senses and license out the movie characters to NECA, Mezco, or DC Direct and allow proper (read more...)
Catwoman (Bombshell 2)
It’s no secret that I love Ant Lucia’s art, and I especially love his DC Bombshells designs. But I always thought it was a little weird that of the officially sanctioned outfits, Poison Ivy ran around in her unmentionables but nobody else did. (The comic book seems to agree with (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Bombshell 2)
It’s no secret that I love Ant Lucia’s art, and I especially love his DC Bombshells designs. But I always thought it was a little weird that of the officially sanctioned outfits, Poison Ivy ran around in her unmentionables but nobody else did. (The comic book seems to agree with (read more...)
Lara & Michael
I knew when Michael tasked me with making wedding figures, I’d be facing a challenge. No way would the unique style of this couple allow for a boring wedding color scheme! And I was right. Michael was the easier of the two. I used a Mattel Two-Face as a base (read more...)
Lois Lane (Eradicator)
From idea to final execution, this might be the fastest custom I’ve ever made. I was reading the collected edition of DC’s “Tales from the Dark Multiverse.” The stories are alternate versions of famous stories, in which something takes a dark turn and the end results are changed. In this (read more...)
Talia al Ghul (Classic)
Talia is an odd character in that, for her essential place in Batman history, she is not usually associated with an iconic look. She’s definitely a femme fatale, but is rarely depicted the same way twice. I wanted a somewhat generic, Bond-girl style Talia on my shelf. It was time (read more...)
Poison Ivy (She-Devil)
Since I finished my Harley Quinn She-Devil custom, I’ve had a hankerin’ to make more “cave girls.” Can’t make a Harley without an Ivy, right? I remembered I had an old ToyBiz She-Hulk that uses a sculpt that was originally intended for their SDCC Shanna the She-Devil. So the project (read more...)
Harley Quinn (She-Devil)
This custom was 100% inspired by the art of renowned comic book cover artist Joe Quinones. (He’s done some amazing work for DC, Marvel, and others.) His original piece is an homage to and a parody of the Shanna the She-Devil #1 (1972.) This Harley exists very much in the (read more...)