Talia al Ghul (Classic)
Posted on March 26, 2020

Talia is an odd character in that, for her essential place in Batman history, she is not usually associated with an iconic look. She’s definitely a femme fatale, but is rarely depicted the same way twice. I wanted a somewhat generic, Bond-girl style Talia on my shelf. It was time to take action.

Most of the body is a Marvel Legends Retro Black Widow, with Enchantress feet. However, I felt the torso needed a bit more sex appeal, so I turned to an older ToyBiz Black Widow that was only released in a rare boxed set with Winter Soldier via Toys R Us (r.i.p.). I knew I could never acquire the figure, but I was lucky enough to find a casting of just the torso piece via eBay. It’s a hair too small for the body, but not so far off it was a deal breaker. I forged ahead!

Her head is Marvel legends Emma Frost. The gun holster comes from the DC Collectibles animated Roxy Rocket. (With an additional vinyl strap added.) And the belt was donated by a Bombshells Harley.

Created March 2020




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