Batcave Robin Memorial (6″ scale)
I’d been planning this one for a long time, but waited until I had need of both the DC Direct Silver Age Robin and Batman before I started this one. The project was relatively simple. It only took an afternoon to remove the excess limbs and hollow out the appropriate (read more...)
Robin (Jason Todd)
This barely qualifies as a custom, but it’s worth showing how just a simple change can result in a “new” figure. For my “Bat history” shelf, I needed a Jason Todd Robin. I researched what visual differences existed between him and the Dick Grayson version. Turns out, the only consistent (read more...)
Robin (Tim Drake McG Style)
McGuinness-style customs are a lot like animated figures: they tend to easily multiply .I knew I might get sucked in once I made Superlad. Robin is part of my effort to finish out the “S” and “B” teams seen in the “Public Enemies” storyline. The base figure is a DCD (read more...)
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Love him or hate him, the “Red Hood” has made a big splash in the DC books. I’ve enjoyed the character enough I wanted a figure of him on the shelf. I went back and forth on potential recipes for at least a year. Some of the difficulty lay in (read more...)
Ra’s al Ghul
For almost a year now, I’ve had the base figure for this project sitting around, awaiting its turn at new life. It’s a Yu Yu Hakusho Ghost Files Sakyo (try saying that ten times fast) that I found on clearance at the mighty Zeus in Dallas. Since I found it, (read more...)
Lois Lane
A modern, generic, 6″-scale Lois Lane figure has been on my to-do list for a long time. In fact, I’ve had the base body for over a year, just waiting the chance to get used. The base body in question is “Supermom,” part of the “Happy Worker” line of figures. (read more...)
Lady Blackhawk
When the “DC Superheroes” Supergirl figure finally hit stores (albeit in small quantities!), I was struck by how well her skirt would work for a Lady Blackhawk. (I had just finished reading the latest issue of Birds of Prey.) Soon, I had a Lady Blackhawk custom started. The body, shoulders (read more...)
Since I was on a quest to complete the McGuiness-style Bat and Super teams from “Public Enemies,” I had to include Krypto. True, he only appeared in a couple of panels, and then he was in shadow, but he was on the cover. That’s as good a reason as any. (read more...)
Killer Moth (Year One)
Beware the terror that is Killer Moth! Tremble in fear of his horrifying visage! Okay, maybe not. Killer Moth has gotten a lousy reputation over the years. How could he not? Just check out his fashion sense over the years. (You can do so at YPB’s excellent Killer Moth Appreciation (read more...)
Huntress (One Year Later)
Another quick and simple, but effective, project. Beginning with the “One Year Later” stories, the Huntress’ costume was modified to cover her abdomen, legs and arms. I added a small amount of Magic Sculpt to hide the existing seam above the abdomen, and the rest is black or white paint. (read more...)