“Batman: The Adventures Continue” was announced with much fanfare. Suddenly, the previously solicited figures of characters that never appeared in the show made sense. Sadly, despite the impressive creative team, the comic book did not live up to expectations. I should probably stop talking about it now. When DC Direct (read more...)
Batman (Azrael)
It’s no secret I love Sean Gordon Murphy’s “Batman: White Knight” books. His introduction of Jean-Paul Valley is arguably better than the original. And of course I dig the costume designs. Thankfully, Todd McFarlane knocked those out of the park where the figures are concerned. I had seen some folks (read more...)
Batman (McFarlane TNBA)
When Mattel lost the DC license to Todd McFarlane, I was very excited. Todd had demonstrated that he had moved beyond his weird pseudo-statue phase with his Fortnite figures. I have no interest in the game, but the figures were some great toys. And generally speaking, I have really enjoyed (read more...)
Jekko’s Van
I can’t stand anything to do with Scooby-Doo. Let’s just get that out of the way. But when I see a Mystery Machine that’s a decent scale and price, I have to wonder what else I can make from it. Honestly, when I bought the Mystery Machine, I didn’t have (read more...)
Kitsune Nozawa
I have said it before many times: Batgirl Adventures is one my favorite comic books. As the book’s Big Bad, I have made Kitsune in the “old” scale. It was inevitable that I would make her in the 6″ scale, too. JL Hawkgirl serves as the base. I “broke” the (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Holiday)
I think this is the third time I’ve made a Holiday Harley based on the “Batgirl Adventures” comic book. I love that book, and I keep deriving inspiration from it, even if that means making the same thing over again in different scales. This 6″ version combines parts from TNBA (read more...)
Jingle Belle
We all know Paul Dini is one of Harley Quinn’s creative parents. (The other being Bruce Timm, of course.) But Mr. Dini has created a whole universe of characters, Batman related and otherwise. His creator-owned Jingle Belle is a delight, harkening back to classic Christmas TV specials, and adding more (read more...)
Condiment King
I have been meaning to make a Condiment King for decades. DECADES. Let that sink in. Obviously in the past it would have been in the old scale, and now it’s the 6″ scale. Ironically, the recipe would be almost the exact same in both scales. Old CK is built (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Pirate Queen)
  Some time ago, I saw a no-paint kitbash project that used the Marvel Legends Elsa Bloodstone figure to craft a female pirate. I knew with a few twists to that recipe that a new career path for our dear, beloved Harley would soon open up. I didn’t have to (read more...)
Ravager (Bombshell)
Seems like the farther I make it through the Bombshells roster, the more challenging each design becomes. That’s certainly the case with Ravager. But I relished the challenge, and managed to learn a few things. This particular design is based on Emanuela Lupacchino’s Bombshells comic cover. (I want to say (read more...)