I was thrilled to hear Mattel would be making a Vixen figure. Alas, my joy was deflated when I saw the protoype, and even more so when I had the final product in my hands. I don’t mind painted-on details and the re-use of parts in order to crank out (read more...)
I know the fellas at Mattel have to cut some corners to offer as many characters as they can, and I applaud them for that. I suppose cutting Vigilante’s arsenal of six-guns in half was a result of that. Unfortunately, it seems no one told the Mattel folks what a (read more...)
Veronica Vreeland
So as anyone might guess, “Harley’s Holiday” is one of my favorite episodes of Batman: The Animated Series. Since I made a Harley on skates, I had to make Veronica to go with her. It just makes sense. (And after working on these prints, they were both on my mind.) (read more...)
Uncle Sam
Uncle Sam is part of the Freedom Fighters, the Golden Age team I submitted as an entry to CustomCon 14. This interpretation of the team is based on Carlo Barberi’s and Larry Stucker’s art from the comic Justice League Unlimited #17. Sam uses the Mattel Joker body as a base, (read more...)
Tim Drake
Tim is another of those dull secret identity customs I never planned on making. However, I was excited by the prospect of Wayne Manor Alfred and Babs, so Tim and Bruce sort of hitched along for the ride. As with all versions of this recipe, I had to work hard (read more...)
Terry McGinnis (Vigilante)
This custom is based on Pierre’s recipe for a Terry McGinnis without the jacket. Most Terry figures (including my first one) are made with the jacket. Pierre wanted to be different, and he did that using Nightwing’s torso and Wild Card Joker legs. The head is from Hasbro’s Terry. I (read more...)
Terry McGinnis
Once again, Hasbro really dropped the ball on this one. Fortunately, they gave us a decent head sculpt, even if their paint job was way off. To accompany this head, I used the legs of everybody’s favorite fodder of 1999, Wild Card Joker. The torso and arms are from a (read more...)
Superman (STAS)
Some time ago, I made a Superman from a Racer X figure. While I was very much aware that his chest was not anywhere near on-model, I felt he was much closer than the Hasbro offerings, and at the time I was satisfied with it. However, I’ve since become much (read more...)
Superman (Electric)
This is a translucent resin castings of Superman from his “electric” days. Frankly, these comic stories are not anywhere near the top of my list. But if splitting Supes in two and giving him electricity-based powers is what it takes to get rid of the mullet he sported at the (read more...)
Superman (Brave New Metropolis)
  Once I’d made my STAS Superman figure, all my other Superman customs looked puny. So I applied the same recipe to update some. In this case, it’s Supes as he appeared in “Brave New Metropolis.” The torso is a Hasbro Supes, with repositioned left arm and all those muscles (read more...)