Batgirl (TNBA)
Once again I find myself returning to Batgirl. Like so many others, I’ll keep returning until I get her right. I think I’ve come pretty darned close this time! Babs uses a Justice League Hawkgirl as a base, with the appropriate details sanded off or covered with Kneadatite. The belt (read more...)
Batgirl (BTAS)
This must be about the 6th animated Batgirl I’ve made over the years. I suppose I keep returning to her (both versions) until I feel I get it right. Recently, Mattel released its own in-house sculpt of Wonder Woman. While vastly inferior to the previously released Wonder Woman (sculpted by (read more...)
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
Some time ago I stumbled across some fan-art of the Cassandra Cain Batgirl drawn in an animated style. I really enjoyed that image, and was inspired to make a custom of her. (Regrettably, I don’t recall where I saw the image, or I’d give proper credit.) This is my take (read more...)
Dr. Bartholomew
I was well into the Arkham Asylum project, when I realized what good is an asylum without some doctors? Doctors Barholomew and Leland were at the top of the list. The good doctor Bartholomew is built on a suited Lex Luthor body, with Super Sculpey and Magic Sculpt creating the (read more...)
Barbara Gordon (TNBA)
Glassman strikes again! When it comes to animated-style sculpts, particularly heads, the man is a shining star. Recently, he nonchalantly showed of his amazing Barbara Gordon head sculpt, as if it was no big thing. I immediately requested a copy. It’s gorgeous! Glassman built the head for use on the (read more...)
Atom Smasher
Atom Smasher may take the prize as the custom that took me the longest to finish. He’s been sitting on my desk, in one form or another, since just after Dark Heart aired way back in 2004. Somehow, I kept getting sidetracked by other projects, and he was always pushed (read more...)
Atom Eve
My Atom Eve custom came about as I was reading Invincible one night and I was struck by how much Eve’s hair matched that of the Witchblade figure. Thus inspiration struck! The general assembly was relatively easy, as there wasn’t any real sculpting needed to speak of. The body is (read more...)
Alfred Pennyworth (Wayne Manor)
I had been toying with the thought of Bruce Wayne, Babs and Tim as civilians, but I just wasn’t excited about the prospect. Then I thought of Alfred in an apron. Perhaps it’s a sign of my overt desire to keep the house clean, but this really brought all the (read more...)
Alfred Pennyworth
Dear Hasbro, Thank you for providing us fans with an Alfred. I hope you’ll continue to provide us with other characters we’re clamoring to see molded in plastic. To that end, please do not take offense at my reworking of your latest offering. Your Alfred head sculpt is an excellent (read more...)
Ace is a simple repaint of the Doberman that accompanied one of the Lara Croft figures. I thought he managed to fit in scale nicely, despite Lara’s being a six inch scale figure. True, he’s not exactly on model, but unless my sculpting from scratch skills increase ten-fold, I expect (read more...)