Harleen Quinzel (Holiday Knights)
“Holiday Knights” was the first TNBA episode to air, and it remains one of my favorites these many years later. The opening scene between Harley and Ivy captures their relationship perfectly, with some beautiful animation. How could I not want to represent that in plastic? “Casual” Harley started as a (read more...)
Harleen Quinzel (Skates)
“Harley’s Holiday” is one of my favorite episodes from Batman: The Animated Series. I’ve been meaning to make this version of Harley for years. After working up these prints, I decided now was the time. The base is a typical Hawkgirl body, with sculpted details added. The head is a (read more...)
Harleen Quinzel (Arkham Inmate)
One of the driving reasons behind the Arkham Asylum project was the excuse to make some of Batman’s rogues gallery in prison attire. (Like I really needed an excuse.) At the top of that list was Harley/Harleen. I’d made an unmasked Harley years ago, but the less said about that (read more...)
Harleen Quinzel (Doctor)
Ah, Doctor Harleen. Thank the gods for Harley variations. Customizing would be so much more bland without them. This latest Harley features our favorite nutcake as she appeared in “Mad Love,” before she became a card carrying whacko. The body is the TRU Lois. I removed the pleated skirt and (read more...)
Mxyzptlk may be annoying at times, but his girlfriend Gsptlsnz is a dish! Though she only appeared briefly in both Mxy episodes of “Superman: The Animated Series,” I’ve been fascinated with her since I saw her. Why, you ask? Because I knew a custom figure of her would combine three (read more...)
Granny Goodness
What can be said about the talent that is Glassman that hasn’t already been said, especially by me? The man’s talent knows no bounds. His recent Granny Goodness sculpt is proof of that. The following photos are my finished and painted rendition of Glassman’s sculpt. Thanks for sharing, Glassman! I (read more...)
Gorilla Grodd (Psychic Helmet)
Finally, Mattel released a Gorilla Grodd figure! Naturally, I had to create a special “variant” edition of Grodd in his psychic power-enhancing helmet. I simply Dremeled down Grodd’s existing hair and sculpted the helmet details around his now bald dome. Created Winter 2008 (read more...)
Giganta (Normal, Pink Dress)
I suppose if it weren’t for SDCC exclusives, we’d never see some characters immortalized in plastic. That’s the excuse, er, I mean, the reasoning the manufacturers give us. So I guess we’re lucky to have Giganta at all. Of course, to get her made, they cut some corners. That’s okay. (read more...)
Giganta (Normal, Yellow Dress)
Once my 10″ Giganta figure was finished, I knew I wanted to make a “normal” sized version, too. Of course, a normal sized Giganta is still taller than everyone else. That meant all the usual female base figures were unsuitable. True, there are many figures in larger scales that might (read more...)
Giganta (Giant, Yellow Dress)
I suppose if it weren’t for SDCC exclusives, we’d never see some characters immortalized in plastic. That’s the excuse, er, I mean, the reasoning the manufacturers give us. So I guess we’re lucky to have Giganta at all. Of course, to get her made, they cut some corners. That’s okay. (read more...)