Posted on July 2, 2013


Mxyzptlk may be annoying at times, but his girlfriend Gsptlsnz is a dish! Though she only appeared briefly in both Mxy episodes of “Superman: The Animated Series,” I’ve been fascinated with her since I saw her. Why, you ask? Because I knew a custom figure of her would combine three of my favorite things: animation, toys and good-girl art!

The hardest part about this project was deciding what outfit to create. (In her less-than-two-minutes combined, she goes through a dozen or more outfits.) I settled on the scarf outfit as it was the most reminiscent of the pin-up girl art I love so.

The base figure is the always useful Hawkgirl. Her head and high heeled shoes originated with a Talia figure. Kneadatite was shaped into her heart-shaped belt buckle, hair and scarf. The sunglasses are cut from styrene. (And yes, her right eye is painted under the glasses.)

Like Mxy, I’m really pleased with her, and the two of them look so darned cute together!

Created Summer 2004


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