Harley Quinn
Of the many Harley Quinn figures I’ve made and/or own, I did not have a “generic” Harley in the 6”-7” scale. (Well, there’s the Mattel version, but it’s pretty lousy.) So I set out to make one. I was struck by how near perfect the DC Direct Livewire might work (read more...)
Joker (Arkham City Game)
Some time ago, an amazing Arkham City Joker head sculpt appeared on Facebook. What was really noteworthy was that this Joker was not smiling. He looked great! The sculpt was by Spawnsauce, and he was offering copies of the noggin. I took him up on the offer, and soon I (read more...)
Inanimate History: Miniatures
In my youth, I really enjoyed painting 25 mm lead miniatures. I found it relaxing to focus on such tiny things. Pretty sure I couldn’t paint these now if I tried. Oddly enough, despite the fact my pals and I played (improv comedy style) RPGs, we never used the minis (read more...)
Inanimate History: Transformers
Back during the aughts, Takara released (or licensed?) these tiny PVC figures of cartoon-accurate Transformers. These were some of the most accurate representations of many of these characters ever, and remain so to this day. Each one was blind boxed (Grrr!), so I’d buy a case. Each case had a (read more...)
Inanimate History: Star Wars
I’m a part of the Star Wars generation. And no matter how much the Prequels stank, I will never shake my love for Star Wars. Like so many people my age, it’s part of me, whether I like it or not. I recently came across some old art, and thought (read more...)
Inanimate History: Old Customs
I recently stumbled across the last remaining evidence of some of my early efforts at customizing. Most of these are from 1994-1995. I’d been customizing all my life. I simply didn’t know it had a name until that point. Bear in mind there was no internet or Photoshop back then. (read more...)
Casimir’s Collection 2014
It’s been five years since the last collection set of images appeared. Time for a new batch! Please bear in mind I did little in the way of preparation for these. I simply got a bee in my bonnet and starting shooting photos of the shelves in their natural habitat. (read more...)
Catwoman (Reclined)
When I designed my second Gsptlsnz figure, I kept the base figure intentionally generic. I knew I’d want to make some of the other DC gals in this format. Catwoman is the first! Aside from cleaning up the casting a little, there’s not much beyond black paint and slapping a (read more...)
Minecraft Playset
The day has come when the Monkeysaurus is officially asking me to make him toys, and I am more than happy to accommodate! When he watched me preparing the Iceberg Lounge, he requested I build him a playset for his Minecraft toys. (Minecraft is very big in our house.) I (read more...)
Iceberg Lounge
Ah, the Iceberg Lounge! A wretched hive of scum and… Wait, that’s not right. Well, it’s still full of ne’er-do-wells. It’s just a bit classier than one might expect. I’ve always enjoyed the interpretation of Penguin as an underworld crime lord posing as a respectable business man. It gives him (read more...)