Site Update: August 18, 2021 Muppet Theatre
It’s a playset four decades in the making. If only little 5-year-old Casimir could see himself now. I built the Muppet Theatre playset using art and plans provided by Darcy E Prevost. You can see all the photos and read about it here. And don’t forget the special guest star, (read more...)
Muppet Theatre
Here’s another one of those projects that was decades in the making. At least four. Those of us who loved and collected the Palisades Muppet line of figures back in the day were disheartened that we never got a Muppet Theatre stage set before the company imploded. (Assuming such a (read more...)
Mark Hamill
Most folks know I love the Muppets and Star Wars. Both are in my DNA as much as the Bat. When Hasbro started the Star Wars Black Series, I wisely opted to not fall down that slippery path out of financial concerns. I did, however, allow myself to buy Luke, (read more...)
Superman (Resurrected)
Let’s consider this a work in progress, shall we? I primarily collect and customize in the 1/10th (7″) scale. And despite the many 7″ figures out there, finding parts is not near as easy as it is for 6″ or 6.5″ figures. So when something catches my attention, I act. (read more...)
Zod (2013 Movie)
I enjoy watching Michael Shannon chew the scenery in almost project he’s involved with. So much fun! As such, I very much enjoyed his turn as General Zod. I needed a decent figure of him, and that Mattel thing from back in the day was not gonna cut it. This (read more...)
Site Update: July 14, 2021 Customs of Harleys Past
The last year+ has really seen an increase in my output of customs. (Gee, I wonder why?) This might be the last big batch for awhile, though, as other responsibilities are shaping up. This batch consists of several things that didn’t fit in thematically with previous updates. And if I (read more...)
White Rabbit
White Rabbit appeared in the Nu52 days of DC Comics. She’s popped up a few times since then, but hasn’t been used extensively. I think she’s mainly known for her skimpy costume and some striking art. I knew when I saw the Marvel Legends Hellfire Club set that the White (read more...)
Magpie was was of those C-list villains from the 80s whose design just screamed out “I’m from the 80s!” She was largely forgotten until she was redesigned and reintroduced in Beware the Batman. (You can see my custom of that design here.) Since then she’s appeared a few more times in (read more...)
Harleen Quinzel (Skates)
This one started with an amazing Harley head sculpt by hlao666. His work is outstanding! Be sure to check him out. Once I had this amazing piece, I had to decide what to make with it. I’ve already made so many Harleys…. Then by chance I was reminded of the (read more...)
Catwoman (Sideshow Style)
As much as I love BTAS, I’ve never been a huge fan of Catwoman’s grey outfit. I always thought it lacked a certain pizazz and flair. And yet, as time goes on and I see it re-adapted into new stories and media, I find myself enamored of it. I really (read more...)