Harleen Quinzel (Skates)
Posted on July 14, 2021

This one started with an amazing Harley head sculpt by hlao666. His work is outstanding! Be sure to check him out. Once I had this amazing piece, I had to decide what to make with it. I’ve already made so many Harleys…. Then by chance I was reminded of the old McFarlane Wanda figure from the Spawn line. Something about her shirt seemed familiar…. Of course! So it was decided. I’d already made a “Holiday Harley” with her skates twice before in different styles and scales. Might as well make it a trilogy.

Ultimately, this project became a Frankenstein job. Lots of mixing and matching of parts. As I said, I started with hlao666’s fantastic head sculpt. The torso is from an old Wanda figure. The arms are from a Marvel Legends Dazzler figure. I had to drill into the shoulders and then fill with epoxy to hold the arm pegs in place. The pelvis and legs are from a DC Bombshells Harley. Some epoxy was used to build out the midriff and align the parts. In retrospect, I should have removed at least 1/8th of inch in that area, as she’s a bit too long and stretched now. Hindsight and all that. The upper part of the skates is the Bombshell Harley, while the skates themselves are from the same Dazzler.

Aside from being a bit too tall, the result is solid.

Created May 2021


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