Phantom Lady
Phantom Lady is part of the Freedom Fighters, the Golden Age team I submitted as an entry to CustomCon 14. This interpretation of the team is based on Carlo Barberi’s and Larry Stucker’s art from the comic Justice League Unlimited #17. Phantom Lady use the Justice Lord Woman Woman as (read more...)
Perry White
t’s funny. As I work my way through the ranks of the Timm-verse characters, each one getting more challenging, the ones that appear to be simplest are in fact the most difficult! I started Perry in an effort to bolster my Metropolis shelves. I had a good start on the (read more...)
Nora Fries
  After the success of my other memorial pieces, Nora Fries seemed a natural candidate. The figure itself was made from an Anastasia body, Mulan (skirt) arms, and a Blink head. The hair was sculpted from Kneadatite. This was my first attempt at using this material (thanks Yer Pal Boneyard!), (read more...)
Max Gibson
Like most everything about the Batboy show, I grew to accept and even like the character of Max. Obviously, she became important enough that I felt she needed to be represented in plastic. Max’s torso and arms are that of Princess What’s-her-name. I chose PWHN as she is a bit (read more...)
Maggie Sawyer
I can’t make a Dan Turpin and not make a Maggie Sawyer! Maggie was built from a Wonder Woman body (first version). The coat and details were added using Magic Sculpt. The head is the ever-lovin’ Witchblade noggin. (That sounds a lot easier than she really was to make.) I’m (read more...)
Lois Lane (II)
Once again, I’m thrilled Hasbro bestowed upon us mere plastic-lovin’ mortals a real, 100% genuine Lois Lane figure. But, as with Alfred and Gordon, they came just a wee bit shy of hitting the nail on the head. It’s my duty to finish the job. Unlike Alfred and Gordon, Lois’ (read more...)
Lois Lane (I)
Once again, I’m thrilled Hasbro bestowed upon us mere plastic-lovin’ mortals a real, 100% genuine Lois Lane figure. But, as with Alfred and Gordon, they came just a wee bit shy of hitting the nail on the head. It’s my duty to finish the job. Unlike Alfred and Gordon, Lois’ (read more...)
Joan Leland
I was well into the Arkham Asylum project, when I realized what good is an asylum without some doctors? Doctors Barholomew and Leland were at the top of the list. Dr. Joan Leland is the Arkham doc that showed Dr. Quinzel around the facilities on Quinzel’s first day. Leland later (read more...)
Lana Lang
Some time ago fellow customizer (and all around swell fella) Crushinaguy created an amazing Lana Lang. I won’t lie. I considered possible scenarios in which his Lana custom might “find” its way into my possession. But, ethics and morals getting in the way, I opted to make my own using (read more...)
Lady Blackhawk
During Son of CAPE (2006), I had the chance to meet the amazing Gail Simone. During the course of the day, I was painting my 6-inch scale Lady Blackhawk. Gail seemed to really like the figure, and I regretted the fact I couldn’t finish the figure while on site. This (read more...)