Lois Lane (II)
Posted on June 30, 2013

lois-lane-04Once again, I’m thrilled Hasbro bestowed upon us mere plastic-lovin’ mortals a real, 100% genuine Lois Lane figure. But, as with Alfred and Gordon, they came just a wee bit shy of hitting the nail on the head. It’s my duty to finish the job.

Unlike Alfred and Gordon, Lois’ body is nigh perfect. Right down to the cuff line of the jacket. I didn’t change a thing below the neck. The head, however, was another story. At face value (pun intended), the head looks… off. It’s hard to say what or why initially. Give the head an even coat of primer and the answers are obvious. First, the eyes are far too small for Lois. Second, the hair is all wrong.

I wanted to make two Lois figures, since she’s so fashionable. For this Lois, I used the Hasbro supplied head. The cranium was far too large and the bangs all wrong. I used the dremel to shape her noggin’ into a more appropriate shape. I referenced several scenes to find it’s almost pointy, not the round basketball Hasbro made. I used Kneadatite to shape her bangs and a slight part to the left side of the hair. The eyes also needed work, as they were sculpted far too small. I filled them in with a drop of Alumilite, creating a smooth surface. The figure is then carried by a more accurate paint job, both in her clothes and face.

Created Spring 2002


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