Shining Knight
As I’ve said elsewhere, I have no problem with Mattel issuing figures with painted-on details. However, there is simply no excuse for a poor head, or worse, a poorly scaled head sculpt. I’m not sure what happened during the creation of Shining Knight’s head, but it looks like somebody left (read more...)
Shayera Hol (Wake the Dead)
Hawkgirl has turned out to be one of my favorite characters on Justice League. I love her no-nonsense attitude! I found her character development from Justice League to Justice League Unlimited very interesting. Given that, I wanted to make a figure of Shayera as she appeared in “Wake the Dead.” (read more...)
Shayera Hol (Thanagarian Officer)
Mattel’s recent Thanagarian 6-pack shows what good Mattel can do when it really wants to. It features some nice new parts and characters. I’m especially pleased they chose to release the unmasked Hawkgirl head sculpt again, since it’s such a thing of beauty. (And the whole figure is the very (read more...)
Shayera Hol (The Balance)
I keep hoping we’ll see a white track-suit Shayera in the Mattel/Target JLU line. That hasn’t happened yet, so I took matters into my own hands. I had started this project before the yellow suit Shayera was released at SDCC 2007. Thus my white suited version uses the original, taller (read more...)
Robin (Carrie Kelly)
The Tim Drake Robin figure only needed a little sanding and a new hair-do to make a nice looking Carrie Robin from the “Legends of the Dark Knight” episode. Created Spring 1999 (read more...)
Robin (Old Wounds)
Another fairly common recipe I wanted to put my own spin on, this is how Robin (Dick Grayson) appeared in “Old Wounds.” He’s obviously a repainted Nightwing, with a modified mask and newly sculpted hair. His cape is a hand-me-down from Detective Bats. The gloves are made from styrene. No (read more...)
Robin (BTAS)
Recently, I seem to be on a roll updating a number of the old-school character designs. The Batman Returns-as-animated Robin figure sorely needed my customizing attention. The base is the above mentioned figure. First I dremeled off the comic-book style belt, chest “ties,” glove and shoulder details. Then I filled (read more...)
Renee Montoya (TNBA)
Detective Renee Montoya is another character that has long been on my to-do list. And yet, like so many others, she eluded me for many years. I started and stopped a version of Renee several times. Most recently, I had completed a sculpt that sat unpainted on my desk for (read more...)
Ray (Golden Age)
The Ray is part of the Freedom Fighters, the Golden Age team I submitted as an entry to CustomCon 14. This interpretation of the team is based on Carlo Barberi’s and Larry Stucker’s art from the comic Justice League Unlimited #17. The Ray was relatively simple. I started with AMAZO (read more...)
Phantom Stranger
Phantom Stranger was a “side project,” or something to work on while the epoxies cured and paint dried on the more complex customs. As a result, he’s a fairly quick and easy custom. He’s based on his appearance in the JLU comic book, which is about as close to an (read more...)