Inanimate History: Old Customs
I recently stumbled across the last remaining evidence of some of my early efforts at customizing. Most of these are from 1994-1995. I’d been customizing all my life. I simply didn’t know it had a name until that point. Bear in mind there was no internet or Photoshop back then. (read more...)
Casimir’s Collection 2014
It’s been five years since the last collection set of images appeared. Time for a new batch! Please bear in mind I did little in the way of preparation for these. I simply got a bee in my bonnet and starting shooting photos of the shelves in their natural habitat. (read more...)
Casimir’s Collection (November 2006) at AFHUB
CAPE 2004 Report
Okay, technically it wasn’t called CAPE until 2005, but that’s how I think of this. If this were a comic, it would be issue #0. This was my first time to display my creations publicly at Zeus (best comic shop in Dallas!), and I had a great time meeting people (read more...)
CAPE 2005 Report
I’m happy to report the first annual CAPE event was an unbridled success! 500-600 people were expected. Instead, an estimated 2,400 people came out to meet artists, writers, shop the big sale and pick up some free comics. This year I sat and painted figures during the festivities. I met (read more...)
The Scooter Connection
Finally.. It’s time for some Casimir history. I’ve been making and modifying toys all my life, but I didn’t pursue it with serious intent until about ten years ago. At the time, I had just returned from my stint on Sesame Street in New York, and was back to designing (read more...)
Casimir interviewed by the Plano Insider
I was recently approached by the local newspaper the Plano Insider to be interviewed for the January 1, 2005 edition. Naturally, I was flattered and honored. Click here to see the article (read more...)
CAPE 2006 Report
Wow! CAPE 2006 was huge! We had over 60 guests and 6,000 attendees. Even the afternoon rain couldn’t stop this joint from jumpin’! And just to put a shiny touch on everything, the mayor of Dallas officially declared May 6, 2006 as Free Comic Book Day. You can learn more (read more...)
CAPE 2007 Report
Once again, CAPE demonstrated how to throw a great event! With dozens of guests and thousands of attendees, it’s the biggest Free Comic Book Day event anywhere. And like last year, the rain did not stop the fans from coming out. I spoke with many interesting and interested people, both (read more...)
“Best Action Figures” of Dallas
Those of you who don’t live in Texas may not be familiar with D Magazine. You might call it the Vanity Fair of Texas. It’s a long-standing, respected magazine that covers the arts and politics, and can be found in book and grocery stores across this great state. Once a (read more...)