Harley Quinn with Hammer
Climax1 is cranking out some great work lately! He bends limbs like they’re wet noodles, creating all new characters and variations. I can’t wait to see what he comes up with next! When Climax1 revealed his Harley with a hammer, there was no question. I had to have her on (read more...)
Blockbuster is one of those characters I figured I’d get around to making someday, but he never seemed to make it to the top of the list. He requires a good deal of character-specific work. So I constantly put him off. But when someone else does the heavy lifting for (read more...)
In 2008 I created a properly-scaled AMAZO from a bootleg Flash figure. It was adequate enough, but I recognize it was too thin and  a little off in the sculpt. Jump ahead five years, and Stew developed a kit. I assembled new gold and grey versions using magnets for the (read more...)
Harley Quinn 1966
After waiting all my life, I finally have some halfway decent 1966 Batman toys on the shelf. But as I set them up for the first time, something seemed to be missing. Harley, of course! But our dear kookey gal didn’t exist back then. So I asked myself what she (read more...)
Some time ago, the prototype Darkseid figure made its way to eBay. Fortunately for us customizers, this prototype was molded and cast. I think it’s fair to say most of us agree the prototype is far superior to the Darkseid that Mattel released to mass retail. However, it still suffers (read more...)
Darkseid (Prototype)
Some time ago, the prototype Darkseid figure made its way to eBay. Fortunately for us customizers, this prototype was molded and cast. What you see here is simple my build-out of the parts, connected via rare-Earth magnets. My only additional contribution was the “skirt,” which came from a Marvel Select (read more...)
Darkseid’s Throne Room
Darkseid’s throne room had been in the back of my mind as a project for some time, but it was a gathering of the some of the finest customizers for the New Gods showcase that gave me the excuse to make it. Like all playsets of this nature, the first (read more...)
Where can I find rare-earth magnets?
More magnets than you can shake a metal stick at can be found at Applied Magnets. I strongly recommend you order more than you think you need because: 1) They’re cheap. 2) You’ll go through them faster than you think. 3) If you don’t order enough, they’ll slap you with (read more...)
What about semi-gloss sprays?
When the figure is fully painted, I apply a coat of Dull Cote first, followed by a very light dusting of Testors semi-gloss. This give the figure just a tiny shine, enough to make it look like manufactured plastic, preserving the illusion! [Update] Testor’s semi-gloss has become difficult to find. (read more...)
Can I use enamel paints?
I strongly recommend against the use of any enamels. They simply don’t work well with plastic, and they rarely dry fully. Your figure will forever be tacky. (read more...)