Riddler (1995)
Some projects start out with the best of intentions, but go sidewise somewhere, and there’s not much you can do about it. This Riddler is a perfect example. Once again, I started with a great 3D print of Jim Carrey’s noggin as Riddler, purchased on eBay. I needed a fairly (read more...)
Two-Face (2008)
Another project that begin with an eBay purchase! I found a great Harvey Dent/Two-Face 3D-printed noggin from The Dark Knight. There was no question I had to add this to my shelf. The body is the ubiquitous Diamond Select TV Gotham Jim Gordon. The challenge was creating the burnt half, (read more...)
Site Update: July 17, Bombshells Class of 2022
Can’t have enough Bombshells! This year’s class welcomes: Batgirl (Vampire Monster) Francine Langstrom (Bat Monster) Jungle Girl Mera Aquaman Wonder Woman Supergirl (Updated) Plus, the Photo Archive has been updated. Casimir July 2022 (read more...)
Wonder Woman (Bombshell)
Adding 3D printing to my bag of tricks has really opened up some possibilities I could not access before. Almost any statue can be used to create a new head. This is a perfect example. The original (and AMAZING) statue is by Nil Tawata. I printed the head, made some (read more...)
Mera (Bombshell)
DC Collectibles produced an excellent Mera figure, sporting her flared pants look. They also made a statue of Mera, wearing her 1940s bathing suit and hat ensemble. I wanted to recreate that look as a custom figure. I carried this idea in my head for several years. I knew that (read more...)
Jungle Girl (Bombshell)
There have been many comic book ladies that went by the moniker “Jungle Girl.” The name was used in the 1940s for a series of comics. As the trademark was tossed around to different publishers, it was applied to different characters. So much so it’s almost become generic. Frank Cho (read more...)
Francine Langstrom (Bombshell Bat Monster)
What would Man-Bat look like in the Bombshells universe? The monstrous transformation probably would not have fallen to Kirk Langstrom first. More likely, his wife would be the first to be altered by the serum. Of curse, she has a history of becoming a Man-Bat…. er, WoMan-bat? Lady Man-Bat?…. in (read more...)
Batgirl (Bombshell Bat Monster)
When NECA announced their Gargoyles Demona figure, this Batgirl monster was my first thought. I knew I had to merge parts from a Bombshell Batgirl and Demona together to create this monstrosity. In the DC Bombshells comics, Batgirl starts out as a pilot (purple), and then becomes a vampire (orange). (read more...)
Aquaman (Bombshell)
Can’t have a Bombshells Mera without an Aquaman, right? Aquaman’s torso and arms began as a wrestler from Jazware’s wrestling line. Despite the fact the line is 1:12 (6″) scale, I find that some of the larger men work well as 1:10. I’d tell you which wrestler it was, but (read more...)
Photo Archive-DC Animated
  DC Animated (read more...)