It’s time again for an update! This is the second one in less than six weeks, which means I’m ahead of my usual quota for the year. Let’s hope I surpass that!
This particular set was a real labor of love. I set out to expand some of the supporting character cast of Superman: the Animated Series. As I had done on a similar and previous venture, I enlisted the talents of Glassman to aid in the creation of some from-scratch heads. Unfortunately, real life kept us both delayed, and the project took longer than either of us anticipated. But the customs are finished now, and they are purty, if I do say so myself. Thanks, Glassman, for participating!
Best of all, many of these are available as full figure kits from Glassman! Visit his site and send him a request. He gets busy, so please be patient, but I’m sure you’ll agree any wait is worth the trouble.
The new customs include:
July 2016
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