Harleen Quinzel (Casual)
This White Knight style Harleen statue was made as a gift for Sean Murphy and his wife Katana Collins. I may have also made a copy for myself. 😉 The body and door frame come from a digital sculpt of Penny (Big Bang Theory) by the talented @torrida.minis. I swapped (read more...)
Harleen Quinzel (Go-Go Dancer)
In the book Batman White Knight Presents Harley Quinn, we see a younger Harleen Quinzel making her way through college as a Go-Go dancer at a “gentlemen’s club,” as depicted by artist Matteo Scalera. As I was preparing some customs for an event, I realized I had just enough time (read more...)
Batman (Azrael Unmasked)
This one’s just a simple head swap. The older Jean-Paul Valley of the White Knight universe was made from a General Zod head and an Azrael body. I simply added the ponytail. (From some random hair bits in fodder.) The rest is paint. Created June 2023 (read more...)
Tantive IV (Blockade Runner)
Some time ago, the lovely and talented Tyke Smyers directed me to some 3D files being sold by Greeblerelf, The files in question were Greeblerelf’s version of Kenner-style Tantive IV Blockade Runner, as if it were produced circa 1978. I don’t make a whole lot of “retro” Star Wars stuff (read more...)
Batmobile ’89 Shields
The 1989 Batmobile needs its shields, right? Can’t leave home without ’em! Ryan Meyers 3D sculpted these, and I couldn’t wait to print the files. I used Siraya Blu Nylon Black, for durability and flex, on my Elegoo Jupiter. I had expected to glue the parts together along the edges (read more...)
Back in the 90s, Robin (Tim Drake) drove his own sweet ride, known as the “Redbird.” Aside from a die-cast Eaglemoss version, I don’t think it’s been made as a toy. For this rendition, I started with one of the budget-priced, Spinmaster Batmobiles intended for their 12″ figures. Like previous (read more...)
  When I took the plunge into 3D printing, it was with the goal of producing 1:12 and 1:10 vehicles, large though they may be. High on that list of potential projects was the Batskiboat from “Batman Returns.” I worked with a set of files developed by CGmorph on CGTrader.  (read more...)
Alfred Pennyworth (2022)
Andy Serkis as Alfred Pennyworth was some inspired casting. His portrayal of a more layered man, with a rough past, was a perfect modern take on Alfred, without being a caricature. Just fabulous work. This custom is in no way screen accurate, but strongly suggestive of Andy’s appearance as Alfred. (read more...)
Bane (Shirtless 2012)
I’ve said this many times: Sometimes you make a custom because the parts are there, not necessarily because you wanted to. I had some extra Bane parts available after buying the main figures for other projects. I knew if I could find a compatible torso, it would not be difficult (read more...)
Batgirl (1966)
Mcfarlane’s Batman 1966 line is….. okay. I will never understand why he changed the scale and the articulation. It wouldn’t take much to much to make these figures really shine. Case in point: Batgirl. Sad enough the estate of Yvonne Craig denied the likeness rights, so Todd had to settle (read more...)