Lily and Violet
Some time ago TRCreations made me an amazing BTAS Poison Ivy. She’s perfect! She needed some goons to keep her company, though. Time to make Lily and Violet from the episode “Eternal Youth.” I always thought it was weird they were wearing cyan instead of green. I think that attracted (read more...)
Green Lantern Aya
Aya was masterfully sculpted/adapted by Batjack. This was one of those projects that I’d been meaning to get to for quite some time, but kept putting off. During this latest batch, I thought I’d tack her while other pieces cured or dried, because she’d be mostly white spray paint and (read more...)
Apokolips Soldiers
During the New Gods showcase at Custom Justice, Stew produced a set of Apokolips soldiers kits. In the various animated programs, Darkseid has numerous human soldiers at his disposal. Many wear some variation of uniform such as these, but rarely do you see the same design twice. I made what (read more...)
Talia al Ghul (Reclined)
Another of my “reclined” ladies, made from the body designed for Gspy. I always wanted to re-visit this outfit of Talia’s, and I felt this would be a fun opportunity. Gspy’s hair shape was almost a perfect match for Talia, with minimal changes. The skirt is sculpted from Super Sculpy. (read more...)
Man-Bat (Future)
From the future it’s… Man-Bat Beyond! Okay, this is so silly as to almost not be worth mentioning as a custom. In the recent “Batman Beyond” comics (following the events of the cartoon), Man-Bat shows up. We get to see what an aged Kirk Langstrom looks like as Man-Bat. It (read more...)
Poison Ivy (Reclined)
Another of my “reclined” ladies, made from the body designed for Gspy. I added a casting of my TNBA Poison Ivy head and sculpted the details. The rest is paint. Created July 2014 (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Reclined)
This Harley is made from the “reclining lady” buck I crafted for Gspy. I had castings made so I could make multiple characters. I simply sculpted or added a few Harley-specific details, such as the collar and shoes. I opted to install a copy of my unmasked Harleen head, for (read more...)
Harley Quinn
Of the many Harley Quinn figures I’ve made and/or own, I did not have a “generic” Harley in the 6”-7” scale. (Well, there’s the Mattel version, but it’s pretty lousy.) So I set out to make one. I was struck by how near perfect the DC Direct Livewire might work (read more...)
Joker (Arkham City Game)
Some time ago, an amazing Arkham City Joker head sculpt appeared on Facebook. What was really noteworthy was that this Joker was not smiling. He looked great! The sculpt was by Spawnsauce, and he was offering copies of the noggin. I took him up on the offer, and soon I (read more...)
Catwoman (Reclined)
When I designed my second Gsptlsnz figure, I kept the base figure intentionally generic. I knew I’d want to make some of the other DC gals in this format. Catwoman is the first! Aside from cleaning up the casting a little, there’s not much beyond black paint and slapping a (read more...)