Aloy (Bust)
3D printed bust of Aloy from “Horizon Zero Dawn.” Printed in standard resin. I do not know the origin of the sculpt. Created 2022 (read more...)
Bane (1:2 Scale Bust)
Despite their weight, I really enjoyed the Diamond Select 1:2 scale DCAU busts. I guess it’s a good thing they didn’t make more, else my shelf would collapse. That being said, I can make my own, and make them lighter in the process! This Bane sculpt was made (sold?) by 3DPrintingStore. (read more...)
Batman (1939)
A quick custom, inspired by the 3D sculpted head by Orobus22. Head printed in standard resin. Body is a “Hush” Batman, with mods to the gloves. The “diaper” and belt were taken from a “Three Jokers” Batman. (I think. It’s been awhile.) And yes, back then Bats carried a gun. (read more...)
Batman (Azrael 1.0)
Just a repaint of the Azrael (1.0) Batman figure. Why Todd chose to release him in pastel blues is beyond me. Created 2023 (read more...)
Batman (Azrael Gauntlets)
Those of us who read the “Knightfall” story in real time back in the day will recall Jean-Paul Valley’s transition did not happen immediately. We had a few week’s worth of issues before he went completely nuts. His first step was adapting his Azrael gauntlets to the basic Batman uniform. (read more...)
Batman (Azrael 1.0 Unmasked)
A repaint and head swap. Jean-Paul Valley’s head and helmet were sculpted by ToyManKid. Printed in standard resin. Created 2023 (read more...)
Batman Who Laughs (As Batman)
Just a repaint. I know the original garish colors were accurate to the page, but they were just too much for my shelf. Created 2023 (read more...)
My Batwoman is a fairly common adaption of the female “Batman Beyond” figure. I repainted a few sections. The head is 3D printed from a Batwoman statue. (Sadly, I don’t know the origin of the statue.) The cape is from ebay seller GPSLot. I rigged the cape to attach via (read more...)
Beast Boy (Lion)
This lion version of Beast Boy was inspired 100% by the lion head sculpt you see, which was designed to fit (sorta) on a MOTU Masterverse Battle Cat body. I bought the 3D file to print directly from the talented sculptor, and now I can’t recall who that was! If (read more...)
Captain Cold
When McFarlane releases character designs that are not based on previously existing material, the results are often… lackluster, at best. Old Leonard Snart here is a perfect example. The result was closer to a Cobra Snow Viper than Captain Cold. And yet, with just a few tweaks, the figure can (read more...)