Supergirl (Cir-El McG Style)
As I continue my descent ito the world of McG customs, I wanted to continue with the cast of “Public Enemies.” Thus I chose the (oft maligned) Cir-El, a.k.a. Supergirl, for my next project. I know her tenure was short-lived, and she wasn’t terribly popular, but I thought the idea (read more...)
And thus begins my downward fall on the slippery slope of McGuinness style customs! I’ve always enjoyed McGuinness’ art, and fellow customizer Swass has shown how much fun these can be. I’m hoping to make more in the future, but I’ll start small for now. Superlad is just the standard (read more...)
Superboy (McG Style)
McGuinness-style customs are a lot like animated figures: they tend to easily multiply .I knew I might get sucked in once I made Superlad. Superboy is part of my effort to finish out the “S” and “B” teams seen in the “Public Enemies” storyline. I really struggled trying to find (read more...)
Hugo Strange
This piece barely qualifies as a custom. I simply added DC Direct’s Hugo Strange head to a DC Direct Jimmy Olsen figure. The only extra work required building up a bit of neck and painting it. Easy and simple. Created Summer 2009 (read more...)
Soranik Natu
Not following the various Green Lantern stories as closely as I’d like, I’d never heard of Soranik Natu until fellow CAPE enthusiast Ned contacted me about a potential commission as a birthday gift for his wife Margie. Lucky for Ned I had a brief window in my schedule. It doesn’t (read more...)
Lady Shiva (Hush)
Lady Shiva is another custom designed to fill out the ranks of my “Hush” shelf. I can’t say she’s my favorite character, or that I was particularly moved by her appearance in “Hush,” and yet, here she is. Finding a base body was tough, as the usual suspects didn’t quite (read more...)
Robin (Jason Todd)
This barely qualifies as a custom, but it’s worth showing how just a simple change can result in a “new” figure. For my “Bat history” shelf, I needed a Jason Todd Robin. I researched what visual differences existed between him and the Dick Grayson version. Turns out, the only consistent (read more...)
Robin (Tim Drake McG Style)
McGuinness-style customs are a lot like animated figures: they tend to easily multiply .I knew I might get sucked in once I made Superlad. Robin is part of my effort to finish out the “S” and “B” teams seen in the “Public Enemies” storyline. The base figure is a DCD (read more...)
Red Hood (Jason Todd)
Love him or hate him, the “Red Hood” has made a big splash in the DC books. I’ve enjoyed the character enough I wanted a figure of him on the shelf. I went back and forth on potential recipes for at least a year. Some of the difficulty lay in (read more...)
Ra’s al Ghul
For almost a year now, I’ve had the base figure for this project sitting around, awaiting its turn at new life. It’s a Yu Yu Hakusho Ghost Files Sakyo (try saying that ten times fast) that I found on clearance at the mighty Zeus in Dallas. Since I found it, (read more...)