Ghoul is another fine kit produced by GeekVarietyCustoms. Honestly I did very little to modify his original product. I sculpted the hat brim, giving it some character and dimension, and I sculpted the Jack-o-Lantern candy bucket, trying my best to keep it screen accurate. (The handle is a twist-tie.) The (read more...)
Dee Dee
Oh, Dee Dee. How you have vexed me over the years! My original customs, while a valiant effort at the time, are pretty lousy by today’s standards. I’ve started her over again many times through the years, but I never seem to get very far. It’s that damned hair! It (read more...)
Some time ago I enlisted the aid of the mighty 37Customs to help me with my customs output. My time is at such a premium, I simply can’t address all the projects I want to. So 37Customs agreed to produce some sculpts for me, leaving the painting chores for myself. (read more...)
Bonk’s torso started as a Happy’s (always useful for those big blokes). The legs came from a Mattel TNBA Batman. Much Dremeling and many applications of Magic Sculpt blended the two. The black overall and the upper line of the red shirt were sculpted. Happy also donated his boots to (read more...)
Black Manta
If I have my story straight, 37Customs was taking a lot of commissions for Black Manta figures using the head from the eponymous Imaginext figure. Castings were made. I merely took advantage of all his hard work! Mr. Manta is not a character I would have made on my own (read more...)
Site Update: July 23, 2016 The Smallville-Metropolis Express
It’s time again for an update! This is the second one in less than six weeks, which means I’m ahead of my usual quota for the year. Let’s hope I surpass that! This particular set was a real labor of love. I set out to expand some of the supporting (read more...)
Mercy Graves (Fight)
Since I was upgrading Mercy, I thought it best to make a fighting version to accompany a fighting Harley, as they appeared in World’s Finest.” I had hoped to build this version of Mercy from the version Glassman was helping with, but crazy schedules prevented that from happening. So I (read more...)
Mercy Graves
I had made a Mercy Graves custom years ago, but my skills had increased a great deal since then. It was time for a proper and accurate upgrade. The body and limbs are built on a Wonder Woman base. Lots of sanding and Magic Sculpt changed the shape. As Glassman (read more...)
Martha Kent
Martha Kent   I’ve always enjoyed the interpretation of the Kents as seen on Superman: the Animated Series. Thus I wanted figures of them on my shelf. I decided it was time to fill that void. I put a lot of thought into how to start building Martha. The problem (read more...)
Kara Kent (Disguise)
Since I was already making a Kara Kent in her overalls, I decided to go one step further and make her as she appears in one of her disguises. I started with the same torso and arms I used on the previous Kara. I swapped the legs for Mary Marvel’s, (read more...)