The Batspeeder was not in the original plan for “Gotham Wars,” but I came across a Black Series landspeeder on clearance, and it just spoke to me. Funny how projects expand like that. The detail on the landspeeder is fantastic! They managed to replicate all the damage seen on screen. (read more...)
As “Gotham Wars” took shape in my head, I knew White Diamond would need a ride with which she could pull the Carbonite block. I asked around, and some of the folks on Fwoosh recommended this piece from Hasbro’s “Hero Mashers” line. At first glance, I thought it was too (read more...)
White Diamond
White Diamond is the bounty hunter persona of Ha’leen Quin-Zell, representing Harley Quinn in “Gotham Wars.” She’s a repaint of a Black Series Sabine Wren. I removed Sabine’s head and reworked the neck, allowing it to be swappable with an unmasked noggin (a Suicide Squad Harley head). The name comes (read more...)
Gotham Wars
  Brought to you by Makers of fine custom products. Available wherever fine customs are not sold.     Dramatis Personae   Dramatis Vehiculis   Tonight’s Episode: “Frozen”   Bonus Pin-Up Section   Quick reference to the customs: AL-FR3D Bobah Sh’ott Ha’leen Quin-Zell Joh’ker the Hutt The Knight Pyggy RD-L3R (read more...)
Site Update: October 16, 2017 The Stacked Deck
A brief update. Introducing the Extreme-Sets style Stacked Deck club! Casimir October 2017 (read more...)
Stacked Deck (Exterior)
The various cardboard backdrops and sets produced by Extreme-Sets have been a real boon to toy photographers. I’ve really enjoyed rotating the sets into the mix. One of those sets plays the part of a dock, complete with shipping containers and crates. Once I saw the advanced photos of the (read more...)
Site Update: August 28, 2017 Wild and Crazy Customs
It’s time to unveil my first 6″/7″ scale playset! Welcome to the Laff It Up Comedy Club! Your hosts this evening are unmasked Harley Quinn, Bombshell Harley Quinn, and a special guest appearance by Mikey the amazing Flyturtle! Unmasked Harley Quinn Bombshell Harley Quinn Mikey “Flyturtle” Laff it Up Comedy (read more...)
Mikey “Flyturtle”
My history with the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles goes back to the original Mirage comic book. I loved it! Enough so that when the first cartoon premiered, I was instantly disappointed by it because it had been so heinously dumbed down for kids. (I was never a fan of the (read more...)
Laff It Up Comedy Club
Thanks to the magic of the interwebz, I was made aware of a dollhouse ballet studio playset that was appearing on clearance at Target. I was able to snag one of these beauties on the cheap. I knew it had potential, but at first I wasn’t sure what it should (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Bombshell)
When I crafted an unmasked Harley noggin from a Roxy Rocket figure, I knew I didn’t want the rest of Roxy to go to waste. Fortunately, the answer was staring me in the face from my shelves: animated-style Bombshell Harley! It was a natural fit! As with some of my (read more...)