Dr. Milo
Given the many recipes I was adopting that use the DC Direct “Superman: Doomsday” Lex as a body, it was only a matter of time before I realized the same body would work well for Dr. Milo. I made no changes to the body aside from some blue paint. For (read more...)
Roxy Rocket
Of all my early customs, Roxy was one of those that needed a re-do the most. I’m happy to say I now I have a Roxy custom that does not embarrass me! Like my other recent new school gals, Roxy uses a Justice League Hawkgirl as a base. The head (read more...)
Metallo (Suit)
Another recipe brought to you by Glassman! This project is a straight-up copy of Glassman’s recipe. The base body is a DC Direct “Superman: Doomsday” Lex. I merely swapped out the head and right hand from a Hasbro Metallo. A little paint and it’s time for “Chaos at Earth’s Core.” (read more...)
Riddler (Detective)
One of my favorite Riddler stories is issue 11 of Gotham Adventures, in which Riddler fancies himself a Detective of sorts. It acknowledges that Riddler’s obsession with leaving hints is solely for the thrill of taunting Bats, and he very likely does want to be caught. In addition to the (read more...)
Major Disaster
Yet another obscure villain I can barely name, much less describe his MO. Stew crafted the head and torso. I added the limbs and Hourman’s cape. A little paint and clean up and the Legion of Losers Doom is expanded! Seriously, who commits crimes in a white cape? Created October (read more...)
Ra’s al Ghul (Desert Garb)
Ra’s is one of my favorite Bat villains. He’s such a fun megalomaniac. Naturally, I wanted more than just one version on the shelf. My take on this figure uses a Dragonball Z figure as the base. (Don’t ask me which one, they all look the same to me.) I (read more...)
Ra’s al Ghul (BTAS)
The new Hasbro Ra’s al Ghul is a prime example of their usual half-hearted efforts. I suppose I’d be upset by this, but the almost-accurate Talia makes up for it. Still, with the cloak on, the shortcomings of his retooled outfit are hidden. (Gloves? C’mon…) All he needed was an (read more...)
Mad Hatter
As I close in on finishing out the New School ranks, I’m getting down to some of the more difficult characters. These last few are tough as they usually require more original sculpts, and can’t make use of as many pre-made parts. Mad Hatter is a perfect example. My version (read more...)
Luthoriac is another piece inspired by the astounding talent of Grundy. I followed his lead with very few changes. The base is a Jollibee Batman. This allowed Luthoriac to be larger and more imposing than his Mattel-based opponents. I sanded away unwanted details, and filled in other areas with Magic (read more...)
Ra’s al Ghul (Lazarus Pit)
Lazarus Pit Ra’s is part of my “lost wave” of figures. Unlike the others, this piece was fully finished almost two years ago, but I didn’t want to present him without his buddies. Lazarus Pit Ra’s torso is from some Dragonball Z figure. The legs are Mattel new school Batman. (read more...)