Arkham Inmates
These two fine gentlemen began life as a two-pack of wrestler figures. They look like cartoon hillbillies to me, but I know an opportunity when I see it. Some orange paint and dirty washes and now my Arkham population has grown by two. Always nice to have some “civilian” characters (read more...)
Arkham Guard
Another wrassler moves to Gotham! This one is entirely the result of my friend Pix, who taunted me while holding this wrestler figure saying “You have to make him into Arkham guard!” Okay, okay, wish granted. Why is a wrestler dressed as a police officer? I don’t want to know. (read more...)
White Rabbit
I’ll admit, this is a weird one. Even for me. I don’t following wrestling at all, so I found it very strange there exists a wrestling figure of a large, humanoid rabbit. I don’t know the story behind that, and I don’t want to know it. But for my purposes, (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Mini BTAS)
Back in the 90s I was really good at painting 25mm miniatures. I haven’t done so in years, but Knight Models new line of 35mm animated DC stuff drew me back in. The jury is still out if I’ll try more, but these few were fun. The best part is (read more...)
Catwoman (Mini BTAS)
Back in the 90s I was really good at painting 25mm miniatures. I haven’t done so in years, but Knight Models new line of 35mm animated DC stuff drew me back in. The jury is still out if I’ll try more, but these few were fun. The best part is (read more...)
Batman (Mini TNBA)
Back in the 90s I was really good at painting 25mm miniatures. I haven’t done so in years, but Knight Models new line of 35mm animated DC stuff drew me back in. The jury is still out if I’ll try more, but these few were fun. The best part is (read more...)
Lex Luthor (McG)
Another casting kit by Stew. I’ve waited years to add a President Luthor to my McG shelf. All I had to do was paint it. Created May 2016 (read more...)
Robin (BTAS)
As much as I love the DC Collectibles line of animated figures, they have made some fundamental flaws. One of the more obvious is Robin’s height. Yes, Robin should not match Batman in terms of height and muscle, but this version of Robin is not a ten-year-old child. He’s at (read more...)
Poison Ivy (TNBA)
Like most of the ladies released in this line so far, Ivy needed a little attention paid to her face. I boosted her eyes, and gave her a hint of a smile. She may be grumpy, but she can still be charming. (Inspired by the work of TR Creations.) Created (read more...)
Penguin (BTAS)
This one puzzles me. Hasbro solved the mystery of how to make Penguin’s monocle back in 1992. Yet DC Collectibles ignored that lesson and gave Mr. Cobblepot a completely inaccurate transparent lens. Even more puzzling is the fact that DC’s solution had to have raised production costs, as it was (read more...)