Where can I find stands for my figures?
The black foot-peg stands seen throughout this site were purchased directly from a dealer at a comic book/sci-fi convention many years ago. They can still be found online. DC Direct and NECA have been know to sell their own branded versions. I also use Kaiser brand doll stands. Or sometimes (read more...)
What is Alumilite?
Alumilite is a two part liquid compound. When mixed, it turns solid in about three minutes. When solid, it has a consistency very much like ABS (hard) plastic. It can be easily sanded and painted. It’s an excellent casting agent for use with simple molds. A number of the heads (read more...)
Why not Star Wars, Marvel, Buffy or (random sci-fi project)?
Simply put, I make what I like. Most of the pieces on Inanimate Objects are DC or DC-related, but there are a few other lines represented. In a perfect world in which time, space, and money were not limitations, I’d collect a whole lot more! And customize anything that struck (read more...)
How do you manage to use so many Harleys/ Supergirls/ Hawkgirls/ DCDs and other rare or expensive figures?
I’m always on the lookout for a deal. If I see something on clearance that I feel might be useful, I will usually buy it. Furthermore, I’m always open to new ideas. One never knows when the right base figure or new character design might spark something. To that end, (read more...)
What do I need to start customizing?
Lots of patience. It doesn’t happen at once. Start with some simple projects (repaints) and then take on more difficult chores. Also, I recommend you visit the sites of numerous customizers. Most will give a fairly detailed accounting of the techniques they use, and most are also happy to answer (read more...)
Where can I purchase Alumilite?
Some art and hobby stores will carry Alumilite. However, I have been known to order directly from the manufacturer, alumilite.com. (read more...)
How can I get a job in the toy industry like you?
First, I don’t work in the toy industry. Second, you’ll need a lot of luck. In the past, the large toy manufacturers wanted only people with engineering backgrounds. If you were artistically talented and knew all there was to know about toys, they wouldn’t talk to you. To a degree, (read more...)
Will you sell or trade a figure from your stock?
Outside of a specific item for trade, I am not in the habit of releasing my stock figures. (read more...)
What materials do I need to start customizing?
There is no simple answer to that question, and every customizer will answer differently. Some basics include: X-acto knife & mat knife Superglue Acrylic paints Paint brushes Sculpting medium Sandpaper Pprimer Ultimately, one could get by with the above list. However, in the interest of sanity, I highly recommend some (read more...)
How do I make a mold for casting?
I am lousy at making molds! I cannot do this question justice. But the internet is chock full of information about. (read more...)