Lex Luthor (Presidential Candidate)
Not much to see here. It’s simply a Mattel Lex Luthor repainted in his alternate suit, most often seen in JLU during his presidential campaign. Clean and simple. Created April 2013 (read more...)
Robin (Gotham Knight)
To accompany a fully cloaked Bats, one must have a fully cloaked Robin. The basic idea here is to wrap the vinyl around the figure so the vinyl can hang straight. The widest point along the chest is usually the best place. Even then, I had to slice off the (read more...)
Robin (Dark Knight)
To accompany a fully cloaked Bats, one must have a fully cloaked Robin. The basic idea here is to wrap the vinyl around the figure so the vinyl can hang straight. The widest point along the chest is usually the best place. Even then, I had to slice off the (read more...)
Batman (Gotham Knight)
For years, I had been wanting what I called a “silhouette” Batman, meaning a Bats figure enveloped by his cape, usually seen only in shadows. I had actually made one years ago with a removable cloth cape. There’s a reason it’s not to be seen. Now that vinyl had made (read more...)
Batman (Dark Knight)
For years, I had been wanting what I called a “silhouette” Batman, meaning a Bats figure enveloped by his cape, usually seen only in shadows. I had actually made one years ago with a removable cloth cape. There’s a reason it’s not to be seen. Now that vinyl had made (read more...)
Harley’s Holiday
Some time ago I ran across the children’s book “Harley’s Holiday.” It’s one of those large books with buttons for audio clips. I’d seen the cover from time to time and didn’t give it much thought. This time around, I got a glimpse at the interior art. Not only was (read more...)
Supergirl Painting
After the success of my Harley and Batgirl painting, I was eager to start my next project. I researched several options, and ultimately decided to use this frame of Supergirl. I felt it would make a great painting, given the forced perspective. I think I was right! Supergirl is 24″ (read more...)
Mad Love Digital Art
For my second dip into the vector pool, I upped the ante and chose my favorite hench gal, Harley! What more iconic image of the criminal jester than her break out of the Joker from “Mad Love?” While simple by professional standards, I found this piece to be a fun (read more...)
Batgirl & Harley Quinn Painting
Several months ago I decided my studio was in need of some redecorating. This primarily involved the removal of several figures and shelves, as the sheer number of figures became overwhelming. (They’ve since been properly archived.) Of course, their removal left a large space on the walls. What I really (read more...)
Calendar 2013
It’s Year 4 of the Inanimate Objects calendar! This year’s is the most exciting yet, as I was fortunate enough to collaborate with some of the best Harley Quinn cosplayers in the observable universe: Tara Strand, Laura Magnusson, and DesiRee Preston. They’re all creative souls overflowing with talent. Thanks for (read more...)