Kara Kent
Kara Kent I can’t have a Clark, Jonathan, and Martha without Kara! I had to correct this problem. I wanted to depict Kara in her “at home in Smallville” outfit. The basic formula consists of adding the Gypsy legs (with bare feet) to the standard Mattel female torso, with the (read more...)
Jonathan Kent
I’ve always enjoyed the interpretation of the Kents as seen on Superman: the Animated Series. Thus I wanted figures of them on my shelf. I decided it was time to fill that void. Jonathan Kent was built from Two-Face legs and hands, and a Joker torso and arms. The rest (read more...)
Harley Quinn (Fight)
As I was developing a Mercy custom, I knew I’d want to make versions of Harley and Mercy as they appeared during their fight in “World’s Finest.” This version of Harley is made from the body (and hands) of the final Hasbro Batgirl. Her head, arms, and feet are from (read more...)
Hamilton Hill (TNBA)
I started Mayor Hill as an afterthought while working on other customs. His body is comprised of discarded pieces: Two-Face torso, Ra’s arms, and Joker hands and legs. I really wanted his noggin to be accurate, and that was going to be tough to build from existing heads. So I (read more...)
Bruce Wayne (TNBA)
Glassman once again worked his magical alchemy to enlarge a Hasbro TNBA Bruce Wayne head, for use with the recent line by DC Collectibles. The man can work miracles! Obviously, the body once belonged to Two-Face. A simple paint job completes the piece. Check out his site if you’re interested (read more...)
Batman Unmasked (TNBA)
Glassman once again worked his magical alchemy to enlarge a Hasbro TNBA Bruce Wayne head, for use with the recent line by DC Collectibles. The man can work miracles! Check out his site if you’re interested in obtaining a copy for yourself. Created July 2016 (read more...)
Batman Unmasked (BTAS)
Glassman once again worked his magical alchemy to enlarge a Hasbro BTAS Bruce Wayne head, for use with the recent line by DC Collectibles. The man can work miracles! Of course, the Casimir Curse came into play. Less than 48 hours after I finished this piece, DC Collectibles announced their (read more...)
Dark Claw
Remember the Amalgam Universe? It’s probably best forgotten. For those of you too young to remember, DC and Marvel mashed up their universes for one month back in the mid-90s. Characters from both sides where blended together to create new versions. While the whole thing was little more than a (read more...)
Remember the Amalgam Universe? It’s probably best forgotten. For those of you too young to remember, DC and Marvel mashed up their universes for one month back in the mid-90s. Characters from both sides where blended together to create new versions. While the whole thing was little more than a (read more...)
Arkham Inmates
These two fine gentlemen began life as a two-pack of wrestler figures. They look like cartoon hillbillies to me, but I know an opportunity when I see it. Some orange paint and dirty washes and now my Arkham population has grown by two. Always nice to have some “civilian” characters (read more...)