Catwoman (Concept)
Matt Reeves 2022 The Batman has become a favorite of mine. There’s so much about it I enjoy: the script, the performances, the production design. But there is one thing I really don’t care for, and that’s Catwoman’s costume. It’s just so… boring. I recognize that the film tries to (read more...)
Clark Kent (Comic)
I fully admit to stealing this idea. I saw it quickly in passing, and I wasn’t able to make a note of who I saw make it. I would credit if I could! Most of this is a simple repaint, using the McFarlane Dark Knight Returns Joker as a base. (read more...)
Etrigan (Repaint)
Just a simple repaint. Not even a full one at that. I simply dry brushed some metallic red over the chain mail and the armor details. I also painted the cape and loin cloth. Created May 2022 (read more...)
Lex Luthor (Comic)
Old Lex here is little more than a head swap using the Diamond Select Gotham TV Alfred as a base. (I think I painted the vest. It’s been awhile….) The head came from the old DC Direct Silver Age Lex Luthor figure. I will always prefer the John Byrne/STAS Lex-as-tycoon, (read more...)
The idea to repaint Mcfarlane’s version of Hush as the Question comes straight from shinigamicustoms. He posted some photos of such, and I happen to have a spare Hush figure lying right in front of me. I think I had him converted within a day! Depending on how far down (read more...)
Robin (Classic)
As soon as McFarlane’s Dark Knight Returns Carrie Kelly Robin started to hit store shelves, every customizer worth his/her salt started to convert Carrie into a young Dick Grayson Robin. Most people performed a basic head swap and called it a day. I wanted to take things a bit farther. (read more...)
Long-time readers will remember the “Casimir Curse,” in which I build a custom figure, to be shortly followed by an official announcement of said character being sold at retail. (To be fair, that was to everyone’s benefit.) That hasn’t happened for a long time. Until Talon. A few weeks after (read more...)
Ventriloquist (Arnold Wesker)
Outside of some animated-style figures, a proper Ventriloquist figure has yet to be made by any company. (C’mon Todd, this is your chance to step up.) I’ve always wanted a basic, comic-style Arnold Wesker and Scarface on my shelf. I started this project, and it sort of fell between the (read more...)
Christopher Lloyd
I like to think that if the Muppet Show had carried on for just another year or two, Christopher Lloyd would have been a natural fit for a guest star. (Based on Taxi alone, well before Back to the Future.) This custom figure is the result of that thought. I (read more...)
Christopher Reeve
The Christopher Reeve episode of the Muppet Show is pure delight. He is clearly having tremendous fun with all the fur and feathers. When I stumbled across a free 3D print file of Christopher Reeve’s head, I knew I had to take action. (Note the head was of Christopher, not (read more...)