Site Update: March 16, 2018 GOTHAM WARS!

As with so many things in life, this story starts with a girl. Harley, to be exact. (No surprise there.) Many years ago, I decided I wanted to customize a “Slave Leia” Harley Quinn figure. (I go into more detail on the Ha’leen Quin-Zell page.) Jump ahead five or six years, and I finally have this figure well under way. Somehow, between discussion with DarkPix and A Tyke of the Customs, this turned into a Much Bigger Project. I went from making a silly Harley to add to my Harley shelf, to a full-on mash-up of Batman and Jabba’s court, including a Carbonite-frozen Robin, speeders, Jabba, and more. The result is what I like to think of as a little mini-episode for a TV show that never existed.

So, without further ado, please tune your television sets to the following program. And enjoy!


Quick reference to all the new customs:
Bobah Sh’ott
Ha’leen Quin-Zell
Joh’ker the Hutt
The Knight
Robin Frozen in Carbonite
Scarfacious B. Crumb
White Diamond
White Diamond’s Swoop

That’s all for now. Enjoy GOTHAM WARS!

March 2018


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