Detective Renee Montoya is another character that has long been on my to-do list. And yet, like so many others, she eluded me for many years. I started and stopped a version of Renee several times. Most recently, I had completed a sculpt that sat unpainted on my desk for the better part of two years. Something about it simply wasn’t right. Then recently, while working on another Harley and a Veronica Vreeland, the solution came to me.
The torso and arms are a standard Hawkgirl’s. The head is a modified Witchblad noggin, a piece I’m coming to rely on more frequently these days. The legs are from a DC Direct “Superman: Doomsday” Lex Luthor, sliced and attached just below the pelvis. The hair and holster are sculpted.
Frankly, I think the likeness is very accurate.
Created December 2011
Do you know if stew has a casting of it yet, if so I would gladly appreciate it if you could share the link thanks again!
He did at one time. You might contact him and ask. http://offbeatcustoms.com/store/index.php?route=common/home
Thanks again!!!