Batwoman is one of those projects I’d been meaning to get to for a long time, but other things always took priority. After seeing Tyke’s Batwoman show up as his icon time and again, I finally took action. The body is a Mattel Hawkgirl. The lower arms were swapped with (read more...)
Batman (Holiday Knights)
This pair of figures had been on my to-do list for a long time. “Holiday Knights” was the first New School style episode to air back in 1997, and it made a big impression on me. This short but poignant scene was not something usually witnessed in a 22 minute (read more...)
Batman (Gas Mask)
Once again, Hasbro shoots and misses, but gets points for trying. I remember at some Toyfair or convention a few months ago, some Hasbro rep, when asked if we would be deluged again with wacky variants, went on record as saying that Batman fans had much to look forward to (read more...)
Batman (Flashback)
If you haven’t seen the “true” version of Batboy: Return of the Joker, you don’t know what your missing. God is in the details my friends, and Warner Bros. attempted to kill God by removing these great details. Some of those details include the whooping Bats takes at the hands (read more...)
Batman (Evolution)
Obviously, this is slalom racer Bats, or whatever he’s called this month, having been released half a dozen times now. It occurred to me while looking at him that, if painted properly, he’d make a neat transitional costume between the TNBA Bats and Batman Beyond. The idea was that Bats (read more...)
Batman (Demon’s Quest)
This Batman is part of my “lost wave” of figures. Like the others in this wave, he was fully sculpted almost two years before he was painted. He’s primarily an old school Batman with the utility belt Dremeled off, to match his appearance in the episode “The Demon’s Quest, part (read more...)
Batman (Almost Got ‘im)
This one’s based almost entirely on Charlie Jackam’s recipe. Basically it’s a head swap and a repaint. Like Charlie, I hollowed out the Croc head to fit over Bat’s head. Unlike Charlie, I was lazy, and merely glued Bat’s head to the body, instead of creating a proper peg. As (read more...)
Batgirl (TNBA)
Once again I find myself returning to Batgirl. Like so many others, I’ll keep returning until I get her right. I think I’ve come pretty darned close this time! Babs uses a Justice League Hawkgirl as a base, with the appropriate details sanded off or covered with Kneadatite. The belt (read more...)
Batgirl (BTAS)
This must be about the 6th animated Batgirl I’ve made over the years. I suppose I keep returning to her (both versions) until I feel I get it right. Recently, Mattel released its own in-house sculpt of Wonder Woman. While vastly inferior to the previously released Wonder Woman (sculpted by (read more...)
Batgirl (Cassandra Cain)
Some time ago I stumbled across some fan-art of the Cassandra Cain Batgirl drawn in an animated style. I really enjoyed that image, and was inspired to make a custom of her. (Regrettably, I don’t recall where I saw the image, or I’d give proper credit.) This is my take (read more...)