Green Lantern Katma Tui (Hearts & Minds)
Katma Tui was my first project to use the new “generic” female body by Mattel. Given its smaller stature, I felt it was appropriate for Katma, as she’s somewhat short. (She’s not an Amazon character!) Aside from the presence of heels, the base figure was just about perfect. (And for (read more...)
Green Lantern Kilowog
I really have to commend Mattel. Sure, they’ve made some missteps, but I know the design team tries really hard to find creative ways to make the characters we want and still meet a budget. Of course, sometimes that means we get a great Kilowog head sculpt on a tiny (read more...)
Green Lantern Hal Jordan
I don’t care to engage in the great “Hal” debate. What’s done is done and Mattel isn’t likely to change its mind. Suffice to say, I’m in the camp that was not pleased by Mattel’s actions. By sheer luck, a casting of a legitimate Hal head appeared on my doorstep (read more...)
Green Lantern Galius Zed
Galius Zed is one of many amazing Glassman headsculpts I’ve had sitting on my desk for far too long. I’d work on him for awhile, then he’d be put aside while other projects bullied their way ahead. Finally, he’s finished and ready for the shelf! The head/body is Glassman’s fantastic (read more...)
Green Lantern Abin Sur
This is a particularly simple but effective customs. I simply swapped a Mattel SDCC Abin Sur head on to an Arkiss Chummuck body, then painted the legs black. The end result is Abin Sur in his proper STAS uniform. (As Mattel should have made him in the first place.) Created (read more...)
Gorilla City Citizen
The arrival of Mattel’s JLU Gorilla Grodd figure meant many customizers could now achieve their life-long dreams of creating their very own Gorilla City populace. Or at least one citizen, if not the whole city. I knew I’d be making Solovar. I also knew he’d need backup. Like Solovar, the (read more...)
This project barely qualifies as such. I simply added some vinyl strips to create the cuffs of Fire’s gloves. I felt she was worth showing to demonstrate how a simple, tiny detail can make or break a figure. Created Winter 2008 (read more...)
Doll Man
Doll Man is part of the Freedom Fighters, the Golden Age team I submitted as an entry to CustomCon 14. This interpretation of the team is based on Carlo Barberi’s and Larry Stucker’s art from the comic Justice League Unlimited #17. Doll man was more or less a repaint of (read more...)
Dan Turpin
It’s funny. As I work my way through the ranks of the Timm-verse characters, each one getting more challenging, the ones that appear to be simplest are in fact the most difficult! I started Dan in an effort to bolster my Metropolis shelves. I had a good start on the (read more...)
Clark Kent
Many moons ago I created a Clark custom. It was pretty weak, even for the time, and it sat on a dark corner of my shelf ever since. However, as I’ve recently made several citizens of Metropolis, I realized that old Clark would never do when standing next to his (read more...)