Ra’s al Ghul
Old Ra’s uses a common recipe. I can’t recall where I saw it first, and I don’t know who did it first, but it’s a great idea. It’s little more than a headswap and some minor paint. The body is a Marvel Legends Baron Karl Mordo. I used a DC (read more...)
TYGER Trooper
In “Arkham City,” Professor Hugo Strange and Mayor Quincy Sharp hired TYGER Security to maintain order. The TYGER troops are ex-military, and act as Strange’s private army, enacting his will as he sees fit. This custom started life as a McFarlane Fortnite Havoc figure. (He’s the one that looks like (read more...)
Harleen Quinzel (By Gaslight)
Ms. Quinzel is made from a Diamond Select Westworld Clementine figure. I cut off the front of the skirt, revealing the nicely-sculpted legs underneath. (Though sadly no double-jointed knees.) I added the the wrist cuffs from a DC Essentials Harley. The head and pigtails are from the DC Direct Suicide (read more...)
Selina Kyle (By Gaslight)
Ms. Kyle was made from a Diamond Select Westworld Clementine figure. I swapped the bare arms for the sleeved arms of a Marvel Legends White Rabbit. I used Magic Sculpt to reshape the torso and the shoulders into an appropriate jacket and cravat. Her head is an older DC Direct (read more...)
Pamela Isley (By Gaslight)
Ms. Isley was made from a Diamond Select Westworld Clementine figure. I left the dress largely intact. I swapped the arms for a Diamond Select X-Files Scully. I added some Magic Sculpt around the shoulder to form a bolero jacket. I replaced the head with a casting of a Bombshells (read more...)
Harley Quinn II (Marian Drews)
SPOILER ALERT! If you haven’t read Sean Gordon Murphy’s amazing “Batman: White Knight,” then please click off this page and come back later. It’s for your own good! It’s no secret I love this book. Soon as I can figure out the recipes, I’m sure I’ll make more characters based (read more...)
I’ve wanted to make this version of Magpie since I first saw her appear in “Beware the Batman.” Her design might as well be right out of the Timmverse! It only took me seven years to get around to it. I may be slow, but I get there eventually. Magpie’s (read more...)
Lady Shiva
When I started thinking about making some “Beware the Batman” characters, I hadn’t considered Lady Shiva. And then I realized how much she already looked like the animated DC Direct Wonder Woman figure. It was like a direct invitation. How could I refuse? I started by dremeling off most of (read more...)
I decided to make a “Beware the Batman” Katana because I thought she might be relatively easy. And mostly, she was. The head is where I got into trouble. The body is a 6″ TNBA Catwoman. I chose this base so the joints would be black, and reduce the risk (read more...)
The character of Anarky was introduced via Batman comics in the late 80s. (He was also one of my first customs. The less said about that the better.) He’s been through several iterations since then. Reimagining him as an equal foil against the Dark Knight in “Beware the Batman” was (read more...)