Like most everything about the Batboy show, I grew to accept and even like the character of Max. Obviously, she became important enough that I felt she needed to be represented in plastic. Max’s torso and arms are that of Princess What’s-her-name. I chose PWHN as she is a bit more, er, well-endowed than most figures, and by the later episodes Max appears to have been animated that way. The left arm was repositioned at the elbow, and I think both hands have been replaced. (Sorry, it’s been awhile since I made her.)
I cut off PWHN’s legs at the upper thigh and replaced them with Harley legs also cut off at the thigh. I used Kneadatite to build up the shoes. Max’s head is from Harley as well. After removing the tassels, I dunked her head into Alumilite to fill in the mask etching. After sanding the scalp smooth, I used Kneadatite again to sculpt her hair. Her belt and armband are strips of vinyl.
All in all, not a bad effort.
Created Summer 2001
All your missing know is a Dana!!! Nice work though it looks great with terry !!!
I’ll get around to Dana eventually.
Have you ever thinked about Update Her?;You know Just like your old STAS AND JLU Darkseid,Old Mongul,Old Question,Old Hugo Strange ,Old Bane,Old Old-Man Bruce Wayne
Oh, there are dozens of figures I’d like to remake! But time is so short, so I tend to focus on new things as much as I can. Maybe some day I’ll get back around to Max.