Green Lantern Aya
Posted on October 30, 2014


Aya was masterfully sculpted/adapted by Batjack. This was one of those projects that I’d been meaning to get to for quite some time, but kept putting off. During this latest batch, I thought I’d tack her while other pieces cured or dried, because she’d be mostly white spray paint and some brushed-on details. Famous last words. What a challenge to paint! I had no idea what I was getting into. Still, it was fun to finish her finally.

Her fingers didn’t survive the casting process, so I replaced them with fingers from the fodder bin. Magnets hold her joints together. I used trim tape for the straight lines.

I realized when I was about 90% finished with the painting that everything I had made black should have been dark green. Oh well. I’m not going back now!

Created August 2014



  • Jim O'donnelly says:

    Very nice. I couldn’t get into the series, but I loved AYa’s design.
    My only misgiving about trim tape is that it shrinks over time. still, by the time it would need replacing… uh, good idea!

    • Yeah, the trim tape is very much an experiment. On the other hand, I’ve placed stickers on customs that lasted years. When they fell off, I just applied some matte gel as decoupage and they looked good as new.

Reply to Cason Pilliod



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