How do you manage to use so many Harleys/ Supergirls/ Hawkgirls/ DCDs and other rare or expensive figures?
I’m always on the lookout for a deal. If I see something on clearance that I feel might be useful, I will usually buy it. Furthermore, I’m always open to new ideas. One never knows when the right base figure or new character design might spark something. To that end, (read more...)
Will you sell or trade a figure from your stock?
Outside of a specific item for trade, I am not in the habit of releasing my stock figures. (read more...)
How do you store your stock parts and fodder?
Everyone has their own system and space. On my work desk, I keep a transparent tower of drawers. It’s perfect for small parts like heads, limbs, hats, etc. (Found at the Container Store.) I also maintain a closet that has a good deal of storage capacity. In addition to housing (read more...)
What’s your work space like?
I have several work areas. The main one is my general purpose desk. This is where I do most of the work, including assembly, sanding, Dremeling and painting. This desk is very much specialized towards customizing. I also have a full workshop in the garage for more general construction, and (read more...)
How do I take great photos of figures?
Action figure photography has exploded as its own sub-genre in the last few years. There are some truly amazing artists out there. You can find most of them on social media. With that in mind, each one of those artists will recommend a different method. You simply need to pick (read more...)
Will you sell me a figure, and if so how much?
Between work, family, and my own projects, I rarely have the luxury of time for commissions. So chances are, no, I won’t be able to create and sell a custom on demand. (And the existing figures are not for sale.) Alternatively, I hope that my web site will inspire others (read more...)
Where can I see other great customs?
I used to answer this question with a long list of links. Sadly, I’ve been at this for so long that most of the sites dedicated to the subject or even a specific artist are long gone. Most folks now have moved their galleries of work to social media platforms. (read more...)
I’ve got photos of my own customs. If I send them to you will you host them for me?
Unfortunately, I am only able to feature my own work at this time. (read more...)
I represent a charity/non-profit organization. Would you be willing to donate some of your work?
As with selling my figures, it’s not a matter of money so much as time. I simply don’t have the time to fulfill such requests. I’d be happy to offer advice and tips to those who might like to try custom toy making themselves. (read more...)
I know you don’t normally sell your figures, but my favorite relative is getting married soon. Will you make me a set of wedding figures for the cake?
Sorry, but no. I simply don’t have the time or resources to invest in producing more than my share of projects. (read more...)