Batgirl (TNBA)
Posted on June 29, 2013


Once again I find myself returning to Batgirl. Like so many others, I’ll keep returning until I get her right. I think I’ve come pretty darned close this time!

Babs uses a Justice League Hawkgirl as a base, with the appropriate details sanded off or covered with Kneadatite. The belt is cut from vinyl, the buckle cut with a leather puncher. The hands and head are from the Mattel Batgirl. (A nice attempt, but way too short and painted wrong, even the Playstation exclusive figure.) The hair was too short over the shoulders, so it was lengthened with Kneadatite. The diameter of the lower arms didn’t match Hawkgirl’s upper arms, so those had to be widened as well. The cape is simply vinyl. The emblem was laser printed and decoupaged on after painting.

I’m really happy with this version. The Mattel head sculpt is spot-on, and the body is closest I’ve yet found to her design. And this time, no thunder-thighs!

Visit the downloads section to grab a Batgirl emblem for your own custom!

Created Fall 2003



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