Sometimes, you really have to go out of your way to impress a girl. Here at Inanimate Objects, that can be a long way out there, but it’s usually worth the effort. What you see here is another “real person” custom, this time of a professional musician in her concert black. Aside from the figure, what really brought this gift together was the packaging. I used the re-sealable DCD bubble. (It’s a shame the latest wave of DCD Superman figures went back to the traditional cards.) The lucky few people who receive these gifts often want to hold the figure as well as display the complete package, and the DCD packaging was a great solution.
The figure itself is based on a Hasbro Talia, with a Jack in the Box Supergirl head. The hair is Kneadatite, the skirt is vinyl with a bit of Kneadatite to hide the seam, and the rest is paint. The viola and other accessories are simple print-outs mounted on poster board.
Created Spring 2003
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Got to hand it to you – you know how to impress.
Maybe I should have made one of my wife. but her in jeans and a t-shirt digging in the garden wouldn’t be as impressive. Still…
Oh, I bet she’d dig it! (See what I did there.)