Superman (Electric)
Posted on June 30, 2013


This is a translucent resin castings of Superman from his “electric” days. Frankly, these comic stories are not anywhere near the top of my list. But if splitting Supes in two and giving him electricity-based powers is what it takes to get rid of the mullet he sported at the time, then by all means let’s get electric!

I mimicked the efforts of 37Customs in terms of paint. I followed his recommendations of applying a few coats of the Model Masters transparent blue/red. That really helped, uh, electrify the look.

Created February 2013


1 Comment »

  • Fan-Man says:

    I’m a geek, so I have to point out that it wasn’t the electric powers that got rid of the mullet…it was getting married! clark got a cut before the wedding, his powers still missing after the events of “the final night” crossover. as for the superman blue/red story, it’s actually a lot better than is generally accepted. Your customs, meanwhile, are excellent! i wish mattel had used translucent plastic for the dcuc superman blue/red.

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