Poison Ivy with Flower
Posted on September 28, 2013

poison-ivy-flower-01Many moons ago, I crafted a Poison Ivy that I hoped would be end-all, be-all of Poison Ivy head sculpts. Sadly, I fell short of that goal, but she still pretty worked well. The primary shortcoming, once all was said and done, was her tiny face. I should have used a Witchblade noggin for the head, instead of a Wonder Woman.

Leave it to Climax1 to prove me right! Starting with a casting of my Ivy head, he hollowed out the face, preserving the hair, and added a Witchblade head. I think the result is much closer to accurate than my original efforts.

When C1 shared some WIP photos, I asked if I could play to. He sent castings of his final efforts, and I painted them. (C1 claims to dislike painting faces. I don’t believe him.) The result is a beautiful joint project.

Thanks, C1!

Created September 2013


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