Peggy Carter (Agent)
Posted on February 22, 2022

One of the best things to come out of Disney’s MCU is Haley Atwell’s portrayal of Peggy Carter. We are big fans in this house. (We watched both seasons of the excellent TV show, gone before its time.) My wife is especially fond of the character, so I made this as a birthday gift.

The original 3D sculpt was crafted by EmptyForge (I think). I’ve seen several printable files of Ms. Atwell as Peggy floating around, and this one captures her likeness far better than any of the others I’ve seen to date.

I had some trouble aligning the pieces. Not sure if that was a printing issue or not, but a little Magic Sculpt solved the problems.

Painting the dress was fun. I drybrushed three variations of red via many, many coats. I think the result worked well.

Created February 2022


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