Parademon is a project that goes way back. I’ve had plans of some sort since the airing of Superman: the Animated Series. At the time, I had planned on using Hasbro’s bent-knee Batman figure as a base. Some time ago, extraordinary customizer Airmax created a great Parademon, upping the ante on the claws. He used the hands of a Nos 4 A 2 figure (Disney), and they’re just about perfect. I immediately went out and picked up a set.
Obviously, I never got around to my grand plans, and the hands sat in storage. Recently, a handful of customizers tackled Parademon customs using Mattel’s Etrigan the Demon as a base. Etrigan is a bit short for a Parademon, but the proportions are so close it’s too tempting to pass up. I was really inspired when I saw Grundy’s rendition.
The biggest hold up, as always, is the head. I felt I could probably sculpt the head, but why take the time when the talented Tyke has already done so? Tyke was kind enough to share some castings of his Parademon head sculpt, and thus I had all I needed to proceed. (Check out Tyke’s small army of Parademons.)
I wanted this project to be ready for paint in time for CAPE 2008, so I cut some corners to make the deadline, most notably using a lot more Super Sculpey than I prefer. Thus the slightly rough look of some of the added details. I was able to paint a pair of Parademons at the event, though. Or course, I didn’t actually finish painting them for three more months.
Thanks again to Tyke, without whom this project would not have been possible. Also thanks to TexGnome1 for the great CAPE photos.
Created Summer 2008
Would this be an exmapke of the casmir’s curse strikes again!? Hehe