I had made a Mercy Graves custom years ago, but my skills had increased a great deal since then. It was time for a proper and accurate upgrade.
The body and limbs are built on a Wonder Woman base. Lots of sanding and Magic Sculpt changed the shape.
As Glassman was already helping my out with other noggins, I asked for his take on Mercy. He delivered nicely.
Glassman is making copies available to order, so check out his website!
I should point out that I made a mistake on the original body that Glassman has molded. Mercy’s jacket doesn’t allow for cleavage. She effectively has a “uni-boob.” I corrected that on my final version. If you obtain a copy from Glassman, you may want to make the same correction with some epoxy.
Created July 2016
your custom looks great!
and Woo hoo! I’m glad to see some new dcau castings. I’m just getting back into things after a long time away, and mercy is one of those characters I’ve always wanted to make. (my excuse was always, “how do I make the hat?” okay, it’s lame, but it was the only excuse I could come up with.)
Thanks for the reminder about glassman – I’d forgotten all about him as a resource!
Thanks! Give Glassman a try. He can get busy, but his castings are worth the wait.